'Chapter 25 - Grandmother

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a/n: hi! welcome to another shady chapter and thank you for always reading and even commenting for all my regular readers here <3 and for new readers welcome! please bare with the slow plot and maybe grammar error ;;)/ enjoy.

'Chapter 25 - Grandmother


Yeosang thought as he felt familiar with the name. Jongho then went out of the apartment to take the phone call.


"Mimi, what happened?",

'Where are you? I misseu yeu',

Jongho giggles softly as he hears his sister act cutely.

'Mimi wants ice cream', and now Jongho could hear his step-mother's laugh.

"Alright, I will give you ice cream tomorrow, oppa is busy now",

'But Mimi want it noww',

"Then asked mommy for that",

'Mommy said no before', she whines. 'No is a no', Jongho chuckles when he hears his step mother answer.

"Everything okay there, mom?", Jongho asked.

'Yeah, I haven't seen him yet, I hope I won't know this place. So are you with Yeosang?',

Jongho coughed shyly because he's not even tell her about where he was.

'Thank you', she said softly.

"It's nothing mom, thank you for taking care of Mimi as well".

'You like him, don't you?',

Jongho coughed even louder, making Yeosang go out to check on him.

"Are you okay? It's cold there, hurry and get in", Yeosang said. Jongho looked back and finished the phone. "See you tomorrow mom", he said and put his phone in his pocket then went back to the apartment. 

Yeosang just makes a cup of americano and brings it to Jongho as he sits on the couch. Jongho mouthed 'thanks' before he took a sip of him. Yeosang then sat next to him awkwardly after the mood changed.

"Can I sleepover here tonight?", Jongho asked. Yeosang looked at Jongho with a questioning look but remained calm. "But I only have one bed", Yeosang said. Jongho chuckles softly then he pats the couch. "I could sleep here though", he explained. Yeosang hummed then nodded. "We could cuddle in bed as well", Jongho playfully said and Yeosang just ignored him. Jongho knows Yeosang feels embarrassed by looking at his reddened ears. 'Cute', Jongho then ruffle Yeosang's hair softly before pats his head. "Remember to be honest, if you don't like it, say you don't and vice versa", Jongho flashes his gummy bear, it's really sparkling right in front of Yeosang's eyes, making his heart beating so fast.

'What the hell?', Yeosang groaned inside his mind because he was scared of this kind of feeling.

"Come here", Yeosang stood up and grabbed onto Jongho's wrist. Jongho was surprised at the sudden action and followed him toward his room. "Hyung?", Jongho asked, confused. Yeosang then closed the door before letting Jongho's hand go and pointed to the bed. "You sleep here, I sleep outside!", Yeosang said firmly before leaving the room and the confused baby bear inside.

The Next Morning...

Yeosang groaned as he woke up, he stretched his arms to meet someone's chin. He bolted up to see that he was right on his bed with Jongho beside him. Yeosang sighed as he looked at Jongho's sleeping figure. He must be the one who carried him here. 'Too kind to be true', Yeosang thought as he unconsciously pokes Jongho's cheek with his finger. 'Feels like mochi', Yeosang chuckles softly, not realizing that Jongho already woke up but not opening his eyes yet.

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