' Part 20 - The Open Wounds

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a/n : hi! I think I will try to update frequently since I have time and moods to continues writing. Hope I could finish this soon. I'm sorry for the grammar error and maybe short chapters ahead, maybe shitty one as well. thank you for always reading, comments and votes for this story, I really appreciate it! <3 so here you go!

' Part 20 - the open wounds

"Because I like you, no I love you. I'm in love with you, Kang Yeosang",


It's been a month since Mr. Choi San confessed to Yeosang. Things were moving usually, Yeosang still working at the bar, Mr. Choi San keep visiting him once per week, Jung Wooyoung who keeps talking about how hot this Mr. Choi San at work and keep pestering him at college after Changbin's accident, along with Choi Jongho who come at the sudden and perfect timing (when Yeosang need help).



"Could you stop trailing behind me like that?", Yeosang sighed as he put the book he read back to the shelf.
"Then should I stand next to you?", Wooyoung grinned as he cutely tiptoed then stood next to Yeosang.

Yeosang rolled his eyes, shaking his head at his friend's cute acts. "I've told you so many times, I will be fine", Yeosang complained. "Nah, I still do not trust you", Wooyoung said while wrapping his arms around Yeosang's shoulder.

"How the hell I can't get mad at you", Yeosang pushes Wooyoung's arms off and makes him giggle. "Oho~ you love me, bestie", he exclaimed confidently.

"Who loves who?", someone asked behind them, making Yeosang and Wooyoung turn around to meet the owner of the voice. "Jongho", "Yo! Choi Jongho!", they both said in different ways.

"Yunho hyung said that you guys are here", Jongho said while flashing his gummy smiles. "Oh, sorry, should we go now?"Wooyoung asked since five of them already made plans to go out together after college today.

Yeosang's eyes went to Jongho's neck, he narrowed his eyes, doubting the slight purple bruises on the skin. Yeosang unconsciously pointed at it. "What's wrong with your neck?", Yeosang asked. Jongho looks startled and starts to rub it slowly.

"Ah, maybe mosquito bite", he laughs awkwardly and changes the topic. "Let's go hyungs", he said and walked first.

Wooyoung hummed as he looked at Yeosang. "Hm, he acts strange". Yeosang just brushes it off as he follows Jongho while Wooyoung is clinging into his arms.


They meet at Jongho's café since the most affordable place was his. "What do you guys want to eat?", Jongho asked as he called Daehwi to help with the orders.

"Double Cheese Burger (Yunho)",

"Chickens (Mingi)",

"Pizza (Wooyoung)" and Yeosang still looking at the menu slowly.

"How about kalguksu (Korean noodle dishes), hyung?", Jongho asked while tilting his head to meet Yeosang's eyes. Yeosang just blinks his eyes and wonders since when this 'western' café has Korean foods.

"Oh? So we sell Korean foods now?", Yunho asked. Jongho winks at Yunho and then back to Yeosang. He then nodded, agreeing with Jongho's recommendation.

Around 15 minutes and their foods were all served. Mr. Choi San came all the way after his company meeting. "Hyung", Jongho waves his hand and San flashes his smiles, approaching them and naturally sit next to Yeosang, making Wooyoung look at thim silently.

The seating order was San, Yeosang, and then Wooyoung. Yunho, Mingi and Jongho sitting together at the opposite line, Jongho were right in front of Yeosang.

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