' Part 29 - Is this the right decision?

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a/n: hi! welcome to the update and hope you guys like the lame chapter and yeosangie /slapped/ thank you and i feel so grateful for all my readers here. you guys rock<3

' Part 29 - Is this the right decision?

Another month, another day Yeosang went back to his usual routine. Wooyoung and Mr. Choi San finally together, Yunho and Mingi getting closer and closer like glue, but the one and only Choi Jongho are so good at avoiding him. Which he thanks him for that but also feels something missing.

Yeosang's mom also told him that Jongho won the court against his father, which led him to stay in prison the rest of his life. "Yeosang?", Soobin, Yeosang's colleague at a chicken restaurant, tapped on his shoulder. "Ah oh-", Yeosang woke up from his referee as he realized he almost burned the chicken. He took the meat out of the oil and then put it on the kitchen towel. "You alright?", Soobin asked. Yeosang just nodded.

"If you don't mind, please kindly help me with the delivery", Soobin put both of his hands together, begging for Yeosang's help. "Ah, you have a date, aren't you?", Yeosang rolled his eyes but he then nodded, since today he does not have another schedule. "THANK YOU, MY LOVE!", Soobin immediately jumps in happiness, he then gives Yeosang the address with two packs of half fried and seasoned ones. Yeosang grabbed onto them and shook his head, looking at Soobin who immediately left the house.

Yeosang looked at the address, he felt familiar with it but was still moving to bring the ordered foods. As Yeosang arrived, he looked up at the tall building and then he sighed. It's Choi Choi's apartment, which means Jongho is the one who ordered. Yeosang contemplated whether he should go in or not but since it's his work, he gulped his saliva and went to the 5th floor.

Yeosang pressed on the bell and to his surprise, it's not Jongho who opened the door. A 50th year olds woman he never saw greeted him. "Ah, h-here", Yeosang stammered as he bowed, taking the money and then leaving. Wondering where Jongho will be, he unconsciously brings his bike to the cafe.

He stopped his bike in the parking lot. 'Ah, why am I here...', Yeosang thought. "You are Yeosang, right?", someone called from behind, making Yeosang turn his head. It's Daehwi. Yeosang just nodded to greet him.

Yeosang's eyes fell on the nametag on Daehwi's chest. The name tag says manager. 'Isn't the manager Jongho?', Yeosang thought. Daehwi looked at where Yeosang looked.

"Ah, so you wonder why I'm the manager now?", he said while smiling. "Ah, I'm sorry for staring-", Yeosang said. "It's okay", Daehwi answered. "Jongho asked me to be manager so he could do his other work", Daehwi continued. "Ah...", Yeosang just nodded.

"Do you want to get in? It's been a while though", Daehwi said. Yeosang's inside still curious where Jongho would be. "Is Jongho there?", he asked. "Ahm, he is not working here anymore since 2 months ago", Daehwi said. Yeosang's chest felt so tight as he heard about that. He doesn't know where Jongho goes.

"Ah, I have to continue to work, maybe next time", Yeosang said and excused himself to go back to the restaurant. Fate or not, a little girl ran and wrapped her arms around Yeosang's legs.

"Mimi~~", someone called.

Yeosang's eyes widened, the same as the person who chased the girl.

"Yeosang...hyung?", Jongho, the one that Yeosang was looking for, was there.

On the other side, Daehwi smirked, loving how his plan worked. "Mimi baby, let's go find a fairy castle", Daehwi said while giving his hand to Mimi. Mimi pouted and whined cutely while nuzzling on Yeosang's legs. "No~~ Mimi wants to be here~~~", she pouted. "Uncle will buy you a lot of ice cream", Daehwi said again. "Ice cream?!", Mimi's eyes sparkled as she immediately let go of Yeosang and followed Daehwi get inside the cafe for ice cream.

Meanwhile the two of them...

Yeosang is just fidgeting on his fingers, not knowing what's happening and what to do. But deep inside he feels so relieved to meet Jongho. "Hyung", Jongho initiated the conversation first, making Yeosang lookup. He could see Jongho's gummy smiles, making him clutches onto his shirt. He missed Jongho so badly, but he still couldn't decide what to do. He is way too scared to let his feelings take over him. Too scared to ruin everything later.

"Glad to know that you are fine", Jongho said. "M-me too", Yeosang answered quietly. "What brought you here?", he asked. "I just finished delivering the food from where I work and it happened to be around here", liar, that's what Yeosang thought. Jongho just hummed and nodded, he felt disappointed to hear Yeosang's answer.

"How is your mom doing?", Jongho asked again. Since Yeosang already lives with his mom again. "She is doing great", Yeosang said. "She was your mom as well", Yeosang murmured. Jongho shook his head.

"My mom already passed away, but your mom for me is my guardian mom", Jongho answered and chuckled softly. Jongho bravely approaches Yeosang to hold on his hand, making Yeosang feels the warmness of him back.

"Hyung, please just forget about me being your step brother", he said. "We are not related and never will be. My father is not yours, so every sin he was doing before, already paid, and everything that happened to you was not your fault", Jongho said as his thumb rubbed the back of Yeosang's hand, calming him down.

Yeosang's eyes couldn't leave Jongho's. "I would like to apologize for what the hell happened, and I wish I could know about it at the very first place", Jongho continues. "And... you don't have to worry", he said while tapping on Yeosang's hand.

Yeosang doesn't want Jongho to finish his words because he has a bad feeling for what he is about to say.

"You should get some rest, heal all the wounds inside you without me lingering here", Jongho said.

Yeosang's eyes shook as he heard the farewell kind of words.



"I will move to France next week",

To be continued...

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