' Part 26 - Kang (stupid) Yeosang

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warning: smut, tw, rape, abused. 

' Part 26 

Yeosang thanked Jongho for sending him home, he thought that he would park the car but turned out Jongho had other work to do so he left after he made sure Yeosang got into the apartment safely.

Yeosang just finished showering as he heard someone ring his bell. He stopped, he thought about who could it be since Wooyoung would never ring the bell. Yeosang looked at the surveillance and he almost lost his balance when he found that his step-father was right in front of the door.

'Fuck', Yeosang cursed as he leaned his back on the door, flinched when he knocked on the door now. "Hey, son of bitch, I know you there", he said. "Kang Yeosang~", he said again while chuckling. Yeosang covers his ears, he couldn't help but feel scared because he never feels safe if he is alone.

"Hey, old hag, move", someone said, coldly while kicking the old man's leg. "How dare you-", he stopped when he met Wooyoung's eyes. He observes that the smaller guy was not alone, yes two tall towers literally stand next to him (I mean Mingi and Yunho). "You are no match for us", Mingi said. "Leave or break two legs?", Yunho threatened. "Aish, that slut ain't worth it for you guys", he spat out. "Better than a dirty old man like you?", Wooyoung rolled his eyes, Yeosang's step father left as he was defeated.

Yeosang did not realize what happened outside and he flinched when he heard another loud knock. "Kang Yeosang! Open the door!", he felt relieved when he heard Wooyoung's voice before he opened the door slowly. As the door opened, Wooyoung immediately engulfed Yeosang into warm hugs, followed by Yunho and Mingi. "Are you okay?!", Wooyoung asked. Yeosang just nodded slowly.

Wooyoung, Yunho and Mingi released a deep sigh simultaneously after Yeosang fell asleep in his room. "If only Jongho were one second late to tell us about this", Yunho rubbed his temple slowly. "That bastard were Yeosang's step father", Wooyoung hissed as he bit on his thumb. "What? For real?", Mingi asked while he brought americanos for them, since they decided to stay at Yeosang's place to make sure everything will be fine.

"Yeah, the one that caused Yeosang became such a cold person like right now", Wooyoung said. They all stopped talking as Yeosang walked out of his room. "Are you guys going to sleep here?", He asked carefully. Yunho nodded as he flashed a smile at his poor friend. "How about sleeping in my room? I will prepare a mattress for you both", Yeosang pointed at Mingi and Yunho. "What about me?", Wooyoung whines. "You sleep with me as usual", Yeosang said, making Wooyoung jump in happiness.

8 am in the morning

Jongho came to Yeosang's apartment, he opened the lock because Yeosang gave the password to him already. He smiled when he saw a lot of shoes, which means Wooyoung, Yunho and Mingi were there. Jongho decided to take a look into Yeosang's room, the sight of Wooyoung cuddling Yeosang along with two love birds next to them, made Jongho shake his head but closed the door back.

Jongho then walked to the kitchen, preparing some breakfasts for all of his seniors here. He made a simple western breakfast with some orange juice. "Jongho?", Yunho walked out of the room with his bed hair after smelling delicious food. "Oh, good morning hyung", Jongho smiled while placing all the food on the table. "Oho... you sure look like the owner of this house", Yunho pokes Jongho's side. Jongho coughed as he shoved plates to Yunho. "Help me put it there", he said. "Yes boss~", Yunho said mockingly.

As they finish setting the table, Jongho and Yunho drink coffee while waiting for the others to wake up. "Hey Jongho, may I ask about something?", Yunho said. "Hm?", Jongho nodded. "Why do I feel that you both are in a dangerous situation?", Yunho said slowly. Jongho looked up while leaning his back to the chair. He pressed a thin smile before answering. "We do... but soon, it's gonna end soon", Jongho sighed. "Yeosang's stepfather looks so familiar", Yunho said while humming. Jongho just stayed quiet and not answered.

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