'Part 2 - Mr. Choi San

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(reminder: another annoying smut alert)

Part 2

That night, after Yeosang finished changing his clothes, he was about to walk out of the bar but his legs were wobbling. Soojin, one of the hostesses, saw him and immediately held him up. "Drink too much?", she asks. "Hell yeah", Yeosang said. Soojin pats his back and called Seonghwa, since all of the persons here knows that Yeosang only close to Seonghwa. Seonghwa just shook his head and gave Yeosang a ride to his apartment.

"Give me your key", Seonghwa said while holding on Yeosang. "In my pocket", Yeosang lazily said. Seonghwa rolled his eyes before reaching into Yeosang's pocket, took the key and opened the door. Seonghwa dragged Yeosang toward his sofa and put him there, half throwing. Yeosang just held his hand up as Seonghwa bid goodbye. "Make sure you ain't making out with a customer who drank vodka again", Seonghwa nag a bit before closing the door. "Tsk", Yeosang mumbled and closed his eyes, drifting into the wonderland.


Yeosang could barely open his eyes as someone called outside. Wooyoung. Yeosang tried to stand up as he still had a hangover and opened the door for him. "Oh wow, you look so bad", Wooyoung said before getting in. Yeosang just rubbed his temple and took a seat back on the sofa. "Where were you last night?", Wooyoung asked while hugging Yeosang and soothing his back. "Drinking with my seniors,'' Yeosang said. Yeosang never really wanted Wooyoung to know that he worked as a host at the bar because he would get curious and all fussy to go to the bar.

"No wonder you are reeked of alcohol", Wooyoung said while patting his back. "Want some food?", he asked. Yeosang just shook his head. "It's a holiday right? I want some sleep", Yeosang said while furrowing his eyebrow. "Then sleep with me", Wooyoung said firmly and pulled him to lay on the sofa, Yeosang was on top of Wooyoung. He just sighed and let himself sleep on Wooyoung's arms for more hours.

Yeosang opened his eyes slowly as someone shook his shoulder lightly. "Hey, wake up", Wooyoung said. Yeosang immediately took a seat and leaned his back to the sofa. "What time is it?", Yeosang asked. "1 pm", Wooyoung answered while ruffling his hair and getting food that he prepared on the counter then bringing it to Yeosang. "Eat this, my mom made it before", Wooyoung said. "Ah, thank you", Yeosang got the bowl from Wooyoung and took a spoonful of it. 

"Tell your mom her cooks are always so delicious", Yeosang said while munching on it. Wooyoung chuckles as he shook his head. "You sure are the messy eater", He said while wiping the corner Yeosang's lips using his finger. Yeosang just stayed quiet as he tried to lick the smeared. Wooyoung stares at Yeosang's lips because he got a wound and his lips look kinda swollen. "Did someone eat your lips?", Wooyoung asked. Yeosang was taken aback and he caught on his food. "Wow wow, chill", Wooyoung said while patting his back. "If someone eating my lips, I couldn't even eat now, stupid", Yeosang quickly answer.

"What time does your work start anyway?", Wooyoung asked while standing up, stretching his sore arms, because Yeosang used it as a pillow before. "8 pm", Yeosang answered, then put the bowl on the table as he finished it. "Can I visit your workplace?", Wooyoung asked. "In your dream", Yeosang said and brought the bowl to the sink. "Hmm, why?", Wooyoung whines as he tries to beg. Yeosang just ignored him while doing the dishes. "I want to know how to work at a convenient store", Wooyoung pouts. "Not mine, go ask Yunho or Mingi", Yeosang said as he turned around and put his arms crossed. He doesn't want Wooyoung to know the exact place he works at, because he is loud. He gonna nag at him 24/7 or even swoon over the hostesses there. So it's a no no.

Wooyoung finally gave up after 1 hour convincing Yeosang. "Oh right, I've seen that you got a lot of miss calls from your mom", Wooyoung said while pointing Yeosang's phone on the sofa. Yeosang just looked at the phone but did not take it. "Don't you think... you guys should make up for what happened in the past?", Wooyoung asked softly, he knew that Yeosang felt uncomfortable about this conversation. "Nope", Yeosang said quickly before going into the bathroom. "Stubborn bitch, I'm going home!", Wooyoung shouted from the living room before going out and back to his room.

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