'Part 6 - Friend?

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a/n : its 2 years with ATEEZ guys :") i'm a proud mama. our babies are not rookie anymore but they'll shine bright since 8 makes 1 team.

its kinda short update but hope you guys like it <3


"Are you okay, now?", Jongho gave Yeosang a cup of hot chocolate as he took a seat near the river. After the occasion before, Jongho brought him to sit and let him calm himself for a while. Yeosang just nodded after taking the hot chocolate from Jongho's hand. "My mom said that hot chocolate could make you warm and feel comfortable, drink it", He said softly while putting both of his hands into his pockets. Yeosang sighed and he took a sip of the chocolate.

"About before...", Yeosang said slowly. "I won't tell anyone, don't worry", Jongho said as he immediately answered Yeosang's unfinished words. Yeosang closed his eyes as he mumbled. "I hope you also forget what happened before". Jongho then looked at Yeosang, he pressed a thin smile. "I will try", Jongho shrugged as he pats Yeosang's back. There is silence between them, but a comfortable one. Jongho is not even saying anything, he just keeps patting Yeosang's back.


Jongho then sent Yeosang back to his apartment, he bid goodbye after Yeosang returned his handkerchief and ointment. "Goodnight", Jongho said before starting the engine and driving away. Yeosang just nodded and stared at the car before it disappeared from his sight.

'Why is it this time... Really bad day', Yeosang messing his hair and groans before getting into his apartment. He lay on the bed and closed his eyes. 'Mimi' her name spinning in his mind. 'I really need to get wasted tomorrow', Yeosang then wrapped himself with a blanket, pushing himself to go to sleep and forget everything.

Next Day

Yeosang wore a simple white sweater and jeans while tying his little ponytail for today's outing with San. He looked at his watch and it's about 5 minutes before San arrived. He went out of his apartment and went down to waiting for him at the parking lot. San then came with his black luxurious car, he opened the window along with the door. "Why are you waiting here alone?", he complained, reminding that he got attacked when he was alone before. Yeosang pressed a thin line before getting in the car.

"Better than getting attacked by my own neighborhood", Yeosang said while putting on his seatbelt. "Ah, that Wooyoung guy?", San said while kissing Yeosang's cheek and started driving. "How did you know his name?", Yeosang looked at San skeptically as he narrowed his eyes. San just shrugged his shoulder while smiling. "Well, we happened to meet at the parking lot yesterday", Yeosang then sighed, annoyed after he heard that they now know each other. "But he doesn't know my name, don't worry, honey", San said playfully while winking at him.

Yeosang just shook his head, thinking how to trick Wooyoung about this Mr. Choi San. "But why did you look so concerned about him, knowing me?", San asked. "Are you jealous?", he continues as he speaks with a slight hope. "Why would I be jealous?", Yeosang asked while blinking his eyes. San rolled his eyes while pouting 'nevermind'.

Both of them then arrived at the biggest mall in the city. "I wonder how rich you are", Yeosang bit his lower lips as San gave the key to the chauffeur before they went inside the lobby. San just chuckles and hold Yeosang's hand. "Nah, now help me choose the best suit for my meeting tomorrow", he then bring Yeosang to suit store. Yeosang went straight to look over the suits after the employee greeted him and San just stood next to him while staring at him.

"I think this color will do", Yeosang grabbed one of the black simple suits and gave it to the employee. "This way sir", she said while pointing the way for San to the changing room. Yeosang then sat on the sofa, taking his phone and waiting for him. He checks on his swollen cheeks and puts his phone back right away. 'Still swollen but better than before', Yeosang sighed.

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