' Part 31 - Fallin' in Love is Not That Bad

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' Part 31 - Fallin' in Love is Not That Bad

Jongho holding on his suitcases while facing all of the persons who came to send him away. Choi San, Wooyoung, Yunho, Mingi, Yeosang's mom and Mimi.

"Jongho oppa~", Mimi cries on Yeosang's mom's arms. "Mimi baby, it's okay~ oppa will be back soon", Yeosang's mom comforted her softly while wiping her tears. San comes toward Jongho and hugs him. "See you in 2 years", San said while patting on Jongho's back, same goest Jongho replying San's hugs as he nods.

Jongho's eyes wander as he keeps looking for someone. "Looking for me?", someone said from the back. Jongho's lips formed bigger smiles when he turned around to meet the one he loved, Yeosang. Yeosang approached him, making Jongho open his arms, engulfing Yeosang in his hands. 

"I thought you were not coming", Jongho pouted. Yeosang giggles as he pressed a soft kiss on Jongho's cheek. "I already said take me with you, right?", Yeosang said softly while ruffling Jongho's hair.

"So... you guys going together?", Wooyoung asked, confused because Yeosang was not even bringing his suitcase. 

"No...", Yeosang answered. "I need to finish my school here, you know my scholarships are so important to me", he said and sighed. "But I will definitely go there after graduating", Yeosang said firmly. 

Jongho holds Yeosang's hand. "May I borrow him for a second? I still have an hour before boarding", Jongho asked permission for the others.

"Yeah, yeah, take him whenever you want", Wooyoung just shooed them. "Safe flight Jongho, We're gonna get going now because there are too many 'flowers' here", Yunho bid goodbye together with Mingi. 

Jongho just chuckles and wave his hands to them then bring Yeosang to quieter place [ ;) ].

As they found the place, Yeosang wrapped his arms around Jongho's neck while Jongho put his arms around Yeosang's waist. Jongho puts his forehead against Yeosang's as he exhales Yeosang's scent before leaving. 

"Hyung, make sure you are graduating in 6 months not 1 year", Jongho pleaded. Yeosang flashes a smile, before giving Jongho a small peck on his lips.

"Don't worry, I am more genius than you", Yeosang winks. Jongho chuckles at how cute his boyfriend is. "How I wish we were boyfriend since early time", Jongho peppers Yeosang's face with kisses, making Yeosang squirm. "Rather than showering me with kisses...", Yeosang stopped Jongho from kissing his face. Jongho stopped while looking at him like a lost puppy.

"How about eating this?", Yeosang said playfully as he pointed onto his lips. Jongho got flustered, his face reddened but he pulled Yeosang even closer. "With pleasure love", Jongho said as he leaned down and pressed his lips against Yeosang passionately.

Yeosang smiles between the kisses, before he kisses Jongho back, deeper. Yeosang playfully biting on Jongho's lower lips, making the younger's breath hitch as he opened his lips to let Yeosang dominate him. Yeosang's tongue travels against Jongho's cavern, making him gasp. They both pull away when the departure announcement is heard. Jongho breathed heavily as he hugged Yeosang tightly.

"Uh, could six months be tomorrow already?", Jongho sighed. Yeosang nuzzles against Jongho's neck and pat his back. 

"Be patient kid, I will be there", Yeosang comforts him. Jongho smiles as he gives Yeosang the last kisses before departing to France.

4 months have already passed and it's been 2 weeks since Jongho lost contact with Yeosang. Both of them are so busy lately. Jongho looking at his phone, sighing. 

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