'Part 19 - Bittersweet

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a/n: hi :] its been a while since I'm updating. sorry for short update and hope you guys like it. also thank you for whoever always reading, comments and votes for this story, I really appreciate it huhu <3 enjoy!

 also thank you for whoever always reading, comments and votes for this story, I really appreciate it huhu <3 enjoy!

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' Part 19 - Bittersweet

Yeosang was sitting on the sofa while he played with his feet awkwardly. Choi Jongho brought him home after the 'oh-so-not-good event' and he stood right behind the counter, staring at him (more likely judging) with both of hands on his waist.

"Yeosang hyung",

Yeosang just tilted his head without saying anything. Jongho narrowed his eyes as he kept his distance before he let a long sighed. "So you are definitely the dumbest person I've ever met", Jongho said straight to the point. Yeosang just pressed a thin smile and shrugged. 

Jongho then sits right next to him before giving him a mouthwash. "Don't you ever feel disgusted?", Jongho asked. Yeosang then stood up to gargle through the kitchen sink. "Well, I am disgusting enough so...", He answered as he was back to being the cool guy again. 

Jongho let out another long sigh. "Yeah, disgusting enough to not feel disgusted giving a head to someone out there publicly and even in the freaking disgusting alley", Jongho blabbered as he leaned his back to the sofa. Yeosang blinks his eyes because he never saw Jongho being so worked up and this nagging to him. "You sound like Wooyoung", Yeosang rolled his eyes and then sat again.

"No wonder Wooyoung hyung is that loud, you are so annoying", Jongho stuck his tongues out before he pouted. 'Cute', Yeosang thought before he tried to distract his mind.

Yeosang suddenly feels warm on his back, Jongho just pats his back softly without saying anything.

"So are you gonna still work tomorrow?", Jongho asked after a while. Yeosang nodded. "Your cousin booked me so I think my work ain't that hard tomorrow", Yeosang continued. "What a horny bastard", Jongho murmured. 

"Well, at least I trust Sanie hyung more than you, yourself", Jongho nodded. "I can take care of myself", Yeosang groaned. "Yeah yeah, you are", Jongho said, mocking him slowly. Yeosang hit Jongho's head making him scowls but giggles while rubbing his head. "I would rather let you hit someone than bury everything inside", Jongho said, making Yeosang's ears red but he is not realizing it.

"Do you want to eat chicken?", Jongho asked as he took his phone out. 

"Isn't it too late to eat chicken?", Yeosang asked while he looked at the clock on the wall. "Nah, cola, right?", Jongho does not listen to him and starts ordering. Yeosang just nodded. 

"Hey", Yeosang called. 

"Hm?", Jongho asked. 

 "Where did you learn that I like to drink cola while eating chicken? And why do you know the place I usually order for?", Yeosang asked. 

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