' Part 5 - Yeosang's Boyfriend?

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a/n : hello, its been a while. idk what to say but enjoy reading and please kindly forget my grammars orz

Yeosang was still asleep when someone knocked on his door. "Kang Yeosaang", someone shouted from outside and made Seonghwa jumped from his sleep. Now he is awake. Seonghwa rubbed his eyes and looked at Yeosang who was still asleep and decided to be the one who opened the door.

"Oh? Seonghwa?", Wooyoung stopped knocking and blinked his eyes when Seonghwa was the one who opened the door instead of Yeosang

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"Oh? Seonghwa?", Wooyoung stopped knocking and blinked his eyes when Seonghwa was the one who opened the door instead of Yeosang. "Hello there Wooyoung", Seonghwa answered groggily as he was still sleepy. Wooyoung then nods before getting inside. "I don't know if you spent the night here", Wooyoung said, putting the foods his mom packed for Yeosang on the table. "Something happened so, yeah", Seonghwa said while stretching his arms. "Wait- what happened to him?!", Wooyoung snapped as he immediately ran to his friend who was still asleep and found out he had a lot of wounds on his face and then his neck.

"DID SOMEONE RAPE HIM?!", Wooyoung screamed and made Seonghwa startled and closed his eyes. Yeosang's eyes opened as someone screamed right into his ears. "Jung Wooyoung would you please-", Yeosang's words muffled as Wooyoung wrapped his arms around him. "What happened?!", Wooyoung tightening his arms around him while Yeosang sighed and patted his back, to soothe the fuck down of him. "Sis, my cheeks hurt. Would you let go of me now?", Yeosang asked. Wooyoung just pouted and let go of his best friend. Seonghwa then bid goodbye to let the two best friends have their moments.

"So you helped someone who got pickpocketed but got punched and choked on the neck by the robber?", Wooyoung asked in disbelief as Yeosang nodded. He managed to escape from reality and deceive his lovely friend. "Whoa... how stupid of you", Wooyoung rolled his eyes and acts sassily because he couldn't expresses the better words even he was worried as hell. "I'm going to skip college for today and tomorrow", Yeosang said.

"Let me join'', Wooyoung said. "No idiot", Yeosang holds onto Wooyoung's shoulder and pushes him outside to go to college immediately. "But-", Wooyoung protested. Yeosang put his hand on Wooyoung's head as he forced smiles. "Go to college, tell the professor about me taking vacation and be a good boy, w-i-l-l y-o-u?", Yeosang's tone changed and it made Wooyoung shudder. "Okay, okay, see you later! Don't forget to eat!" Wooyoung groaned and stomped his feets like a child before walking away to the campus.

Yeosang sighed and walked to check his face in the mirror. 'Disgusting', he groaned at how swollen his cheeks, cut on the corner of his lips and purple stupid mark on his neck. He rolled his eyes and sat back on the bed to check on his phone.

2 messages from Choi San

3 messages from unknown number

Yeosang looked over San's messages first

From Choi San

I heard something happened to you. Are you okay?

Can I come over?

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