' Part 22 - Another Mr. Choi

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(ps: hi hi, happy new year <3 I would like to apologize that maybe I will be more slow on updating this due to a lot of things. our babies just finished their concert yesterday and I couldn't be more proud. ah enjoy reading this lame chapter as well. hope I don't disappoint you guys, my lovely readers <3 and thank you for always leaving comments since that's my source of motivation as well!)


' Part 22 - Another Mr. Choi

Yeosang looks up as he feels like someone's eyes are on him as he focuses on eating his food.

Choi Jongho

He has been staying with him since yesterday night. "What are you looking at?" Yeosang asked, annoyed. "I'm looking at someone dumb, who acts strong when he is not", Jongho said playfully.

Yeosang couldn't argue about that and he continued to eat. "Is your neck okay?", Yeosang finally asked. Jongho then puts his hand on his neck as he nods. "Yes, it's healing pretty well", Jongho answered.

"So that's definitely not a mosquito bite, did someone choke you?" Yeosang hits the bullseye. Jongho's mouth hangs open as he couldn't believe Yeosang were the only one after San who noticed that this bruise is not a small bruise. "Ah~ you got me", Jongho chuckles softly.

"I thought you were good at fighting", Yeosang said as he took a sip of the hot chocolate Jongho had prepared for him. Jongho smiled bitterly as he shrugged. "I'm also human", he said while stretching his arms. "What do you think if I'm coming to visit your bar?", Jongho asked, changing the topic. Yeosang looked at Jongho with the most cold eyes. "Any dead wish?", he said.

"Aw, so scary", Jongho acts sheepishly just to tease Yeosang. "Shut up", Yeosang groaned, the corners of his lips rose, as if he was holding back a smile and throwing a napkin to Jongho. Jongho saw that while he dodges and feels relieved, Yeosang already feels better.

"How about you?", Jongho looked at Yeosang and asked. "What happened again at the bar?". Yeosang pressed a thin smile. "Just a weird customer again", Yeosang replied. "A weird customer? But you never do that when you encounter a weird customer", Jongho narrowed his eyes, giving Yeosang a chocolate croffle for dessert. Yeosang didn't reply and just took the croffle into his mouth. Seeing that silent sign, Jungho just nodded and got up.

As Jongho brought the dishes to the sink, he said, "I have to go to the cafe now since Yunho hyung is there alone". Yeosang nodded as he chewed on his croffle. Jongho smiled because Yeosang looks so cute. Jongho started wearing his jacket as he said, "Make sure to lock your door and Wooyoung Hyung should be here soon", Yeosang asked. "Did you tell him?", Jongho asked and rolled his eyes away from Yeosang's death glare as someone suddenly screamed and barged into the room.

"KANG YEOSANG! DID YOU GET ATTACKED AGAIN!?", yes, Wooyoung just barged in and Jongho immediately fled after sticking his tongue out. Yeosang sucked in a deep breath as he closed his eyes as Wooyoung screamed.

"I shouldn't believe him anymore" muttered Yeosang as Wooyoung swayed his body, hugging him, and nagging him to explain to him what the hell had happened, but little did he know, he was only pressing his own smiles and denying that sense of safety that he feels deep inside.

"Then I should have Mr. Choi San book you every day so that you won't get any more attack", Wooyoung asked Yeosang. Yeosang was quite surprised at how Wooyoung casually mentioned about that. 'he knew', Yeosang thought before he shook his head. "I owe him way too much".

As Wooyoung pushed Yeosang back into the hug, he asked "Even though you have talent in the social field, why would you work there...?". "Because their money flows faster", Yeosang whispered. Wooyoung could only sigh and give up over his friend's stuborness. 

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