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Vansh raisinghania- owner of VR enterprises..he is very much sex addicted..he can't live without fucking a girl.everyday,he needs one or two girls to fuck them..sometimes,he cannot sleep properly at night,due to his illness..he takes high doze medicines to sleep properly and to control his sex addict..but he never take girls without their permission..he only fuck those girls who are ready to throw themselves on him..

Anupriya raisinghania- vansh's mother..loves him a lot.she is very much worried about vansh's illness regarding his sex addiction..
She wants vansh to marry someone and settle his life..

Riddhima kapoor- she is college going student.. totally spoiled brat.. she looks very innocent but she is very cunning 😈😈..she knows how to lure boys for their money..uses her beauty to attract rich and handsome boys for their money..she is also sex addicted..she has slept with many boys just for money.. doing sex and earn money is her passion...

Uma kapoor- riddhima's mother..she knows very well about her daughter..and always worried about her future..she also wants that riddhima should get married and settle somewhere...

Both vansh and Riddhima never have peace in their they took out their frustration by doing sex and became sex addicted..


At vansh's office ,

Vansh was fucking a girl in his cabin from last one hour..he was giving hard thrust to her..after satisfying himself, finally he left her.. wearing his shirt and pant,he throws the money on her face and then she quickly left his cabin after taking her money...

Vansh(in mind)- these sluts never give me peace..they are just useless..I want someone who can control my beast and cool my mind but I think becoz of my illness..I will never get peace in my life😔😔

After sometime angre enters..

Vansh- yes angre..any work..

Angre- yes boss.. Anupriya mam has called u now at home..u were not picking her calls so she called me and asked to inform u about it..

Vansh- I know why mom is calling me..
Anyways I am going now,u manage here everything..

Angre- yes boss..


Time skips,
At his home..

Vansh- no mom..I am not ready for that..

Anupriya- but beta..plzz try to understand..she is very good girl..u will be happy with her..

Vansh- mom..u know na..I am sex girl will get ready to marry a man like me..why are u willing to destroy her life ..

Anupriya- no vansh..your illness can be cure..don't think that you are bad..I am your mom and I know what is good for it's my final decision u are marrying her...

Vansh- but mom..

Anupriya- i don't want to hear anything.. tomorrow only we are going to her house..if you deny,then u will loose your mom forever..
Can't u fulfill this wish for your mom vansh🥺🥺

After seeing her crying,vansh couldn't deny he agreed to this marriage proposal..

In his room ,

He layed down on the bed..

He was trying hard to sleep but couldn't..

Vansh- (his hands were inside his pants and was rubbing his cock to cool himself)..
I don't want to marry but I can't deny to mom also..I don't know how that girl will survive with me...

He then takes the medicine and soon drifted into deep sleep..


Scene shifts,
At club ..

One girl is seeing drinking and dancing with many boys..she is wearing a very short dress....

One boy approached near her..

Boy- u are so sexy baby.. what's your name..

Girl- I know that I am sexy.. telling me something which I don't know..

Boy- will u spend one night with me..

Girl- If u have money then..

Boy- whatever amount u can ask..I will give you..

They they both went inside one of the room and stared their fucking session..


At riddhima's house ,

The doorbell rang and uma angrily marched towards the door to open the gate...

Uma- where were u?😡😡..and I told u na.. don't wear this type of revealing dress... Riddhima 😡😡..

Riddhu- relax mom..I was with my friends and  was enjoying with them..

Uma- I know what type of enjoyment u are talking about 😡😡..come inside fast..I want to talk with you ..

Riddhu- yes mom ..say

Uma- I have fixed your marriage with someone and tomorrow they are coming to see behave properly tomorrow 😡😡

Riddhima jaw was dropped after hearing this..

Riddhu-whattt😳😳 mom..u can't do this...I don't want to marry now..

Uma- shut up..I know what is good for you..and after your marriage,I hope that all your bad habits u will leave..

She didn't said anything and angrily marched towards her room..

She is taking cold shower and rubbed her body as if trying to remove someone's touches..

Riddhu- I can tell u that..I am not pure anymore..I am sex addicted...
I have slept with many boys..
Even I tried many times to stay away from this passion but couldn't do if this is the only way to take out my frustrations..and now,doing sex became my passion and I can't live without it..
And no boy from good family will never agree to marry a girl like me whose body and soul is dirty🙂🙂...

She then comes out from the washroom,wears her nightdress and slept..




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