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Riddhima's POV..

I am Riddhima Gupta, known as ' Pyscho girl ' in my college.. I am called that becoz of my mind as I write about pyscho things like murdering and horror and stuff like that. Though I never murdered any person till now but I wanted to try this. I love to see people suffering.

Though before no one took me seriously but after what I did with one of my colleague and few students, they all started maintaining distance from me. They all tried to complain to my mom also but she never believed them as I was smart enough to fool her. She thinks I am a innocent kid who can't even harm an insect.

U all will never guess from my bright smile and colourful attitude that I was everything but a good person.
However, if u found yourself looking deep into my eyes , u will see a darkness and chaos.

One day, one of my senior whose name was Ahana tried to tease me for my weird behaviour. I simply chopped all her fingers and forcefully entered inside her mouth to make her eat.
After this incident, no one dares to come in my way and if anyone does then he/she has to face the consequences.

Riddhima's POV ends.


The man raised his knife, stained in blood from the woman he just killed and wiped it across her husband's face. He screamed in pain, the massive deep wound covering his whole face in blood. Then he stabbed him many times in his heart and killed him mercilessly.

That man licked the knife that was covered with blood
and he started talking with the dead bodies.

" Oh! It's so fun to kill human beings..u know killing people is my passion and till now no one has ever caught me as I never leave any proofs behind..u can say that I am perfect in my work.."


A man said while laughing madly..

After killing those couple, he wrote something in their hand with knife and then dumped the dead bodies in the middle of the road.


" Since July 25th of 2021, there has been mass amount of people killed everyday and all the dead bodies were stabbed mercilessly . The murders seems to have been done by one person as the victims all have been brutally stabbed, slashed and disfigured in the same style and one remark was written in all those dead bodies..
The police was trying hard to find this maniac murderer. Untill then, we advise u to look out and not go out at night. "

This breaking news was coming in the TV and Riddhima was watching it with her wide eyes.

" looks like that person is expert in killing people..I wish I could meet him once in my life so that he can also teach me how he does this work perfectly.." she thought.

That night, after her mom slept, she secretly came out from her house and started walking on a lonely road..

That night, after her mom slept, she secretly came out from her house and started walking on a lonely road

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