My Ansh Bear 🐻 (last part)

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After few days ,

Watchman came to vansh and told him that one man has come to meet u for some business deal..

" Ok let him come inside and made him sit in the hall.. I am coming in few minutes.." he said to watchman..

That man came and sat on the sofa..he waited for vansh to come inside...

Riddhima was passing by from there and when she saw the man she became shocked..

Only one word came from her mouth..

" Dada !! "

Uday was also shocked seeing his daughter here..

" Riddhima what are u doing here ? "

But she didn't answer him anything and kept her mouth shut...her legs were trembling in fear..

Uday- wow Riddhima great.. that day when I asked u to spend one night with one of my friend , u denied but now u see u are warming someone's else bed...
How much did vansh gave u for one night ?

Riddhu(crying)- wh.. what are u saying dada ?

Uday- don't act like innocent u mad girl..I know u have become his personal mistress and now I will ask him for the money in exchange of u..

Before he could say anything more , a punch landed on his face from back by Vansh..
He was coming down and he heard all the conversation between both of them..

His eyes were already red as he was fuming in anger...
He marched towards Uday and picked him up by his collar.

Vansh- how dare u Mr Uday to talk with my Riddhima like this ? If I was knowing that u were her father then never in my life I would have allowed u to enter in my house...

Uday- Mr raisinghania..u are beating me for this girl.. she is useless..she is bad day she will destroy your life also just like she had destroyed my life...

Vansh banged his head on the wall and gave many punches on his stomach..

" She has destroyed your life or u have destroyed her life.
I think u were the only one who has thrown her out of the house...u should feel ashamed as a father for treating your own daughter like this..." Vansh shouted while stilling beating to him..

Then he saw Riddhima who was standing near the pillar quietly and crying by covering her mouth with both of her hands..

Realisation hits him hard that he has beaten her dad infront of her only...

Vansh- I will deal with you afterwords..
Security.. just take this man to torture room and give him best treatment...

Soon his 2 bodyguards came and dragged Uday towards the torture room..
While vansh moved to Riddhima who was shivering due to fear..

" Ri.. Riddhima.." he called her..

As soon as she heard his voice, she hugged him and buried her head into his chest...

" Shh Riddhima..he is gone.. no need to get afraid of him and from now onwards he will not come again infront of u.." vansh said while caressing her back..

She just hummed in response..

Vansh- now come and let's eat breakfast..

Riddhu- no I don't want to eat anything...

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