Ae Ajnabi (last part)

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After one month,

Now it was one month since Riddhima was missing. Police were trying their best to find her but till now they did not get even a single clue about seems like as if she vanished in air..

Sejal(crying)- Riddhima..where are you ? I warned u not to go there but u never listen to me.. even police  also can't able to find u ..

Then she gets a call from police station and inspector had asked her to come in police station as soon as possible...

After sometime,

Sejal- yes sir what happened?
Did u found anything about my friend ?

Inspector- no.. I am sorry miss Sejal but there is a bad news for you.. we have found one dead body in the well which was near that haweli..
And according to sources it seems like your friend's body.. so u have come there with us to identify the dead body...

As soon as she heard this, a land slipped beneath her legs..

Sejal(shocked)- whatt!! This can't be true..I don't want to loose Riddhima...

Inspector- I know how u must be feeling right now but u have to stay strong and come with us .. your friend should not go there at night....

Time skips,

They reached near the haweli and when officers removed the cloth from above the dead was of Riddhima only...

Sejal(crying)- no... Riddhima u can't leave me alone...
Plzz come back..

She was crying her heart out... police were trying their best to console her but there was one person who was smirking after seeing all this drama and he was none other than Vansh..

He was standing far away from them..he can clearly see them but they all can't see him..

Vansh(smirking)- u all humans are easily u believed that it was riddhima's body but the truth is that it was someone's else body and with my black magic I made it look like her..

Now for the world she is dead but the reality is that now she is caged with me forever.
And u all will never get to know this truth..

Then he vanished in air...


At night,

Someone's weeping sound was heard from the haweli..

" Sweetheart why are you crying ? I don't like tears in your beautiful eyes.. " Vansh said while side hugging her..

Riddhu (crying)- " u just stay away from me... Plzz let me go..
I don't want to be here...
I promise that I will not tell anyone about u..

Vansh- if u tell then also they all won't be ever able to find me...

Riddhu- what do u mean?

Vansh- huh...till now no one has ever seen my face and whoever saw me they are not  survived except u..

Riddhu- then why have you Caged me ? Either kill me or free me.. I don't want to live with you...

Vansh (chuckles)- how..can I kill my sweetheart...soon u will become the queen of this devil..

Riddhu(shocked)- whattt!! No.. I will never marry you..

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