Pyscho love🖤🖤 (last part)

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It was 2 am in the morning, Riddhima was on her way home. She was tired as if one more step and she would collapse, but she couldn't, she had to go home where Vansh must be waiting for her. She kept on walking on the nearby streets then only she came across some men raping a woman in a small alley.

Anger rushed through her veins and she had a red eye too now.

" Leave her.." riddhima shouted.

One of the man turned around and said- who the hell are you ? Get lost from here.

Riddhu- leave her if u all love your life.

All the four men started laughing..

"Oh really..ok we will leave her and then u will satisfy us from your body..
Are u ready ? " One of them said.

A devilish smirk came on her face and she nodded in yes. Those men left the girl and she quickly ran from there.

One of them approached Riddhima and was going to hold her hand but she twisted his hand at his back and kicked him hard on his manhood with her boots. He fell down on the ground with a thud.

" Aaahh..u bitch!! I will not leave you.." he groaned in pain.

Riddhima was laughing crazily. Before the man could attack again on her, she stabbed on his heart with a knife.

" Yes I am a bitch and now u all will see what this bitch can do.." riddhima said while gritting her teeth.

Other three men also attacked her but she killed them one by one mercilessly.

She was continuously stabbing a knife on the man's body unless someone pulled her from behind.
She was going to attack him but seeing person's face, she calmed down.

" See Vansh..I killed all of them..they were going to rape a girl.." Riddhima said while wiping the bloodstained knife from man's cloth.

Vansh- they are already dead..come with me now otherwise someone will see us here.

He dragged her forcefully from there but unknown to the fact someone saw her face while killing those men.


He made her stand under the shower to clean her and himself. Their body was covered with the blood of those men.

" U know Vansh..when I was 10 yrs old , one of my uncle tried to molest me and when I told this to my mom..she warned me to keep my mouth shut otherwise society would mock on us.." she cried.

Vansh hugged her instantly to sooth her pain..

" I am here with u..
No one will do anything to u now.."

Riddhu- u know he kept on molesting me for 4 yrs and my mom never listened to me.
She used to beat me or scold me whenever I asked her to file a case against that uncle.
I hated my mom for this behaviour.

His hold on her waist becomes tighter when he heard this.
Her sobbings were increasing his anger. Now he only wished to give most painful death to his uncle if he was still alive.
She was continuously shedding her tears so to divert her mind, he kissed her on her lips that was filled with love , anger and lust for her. It was not a slow or gentle kiss , it was a rough and passionate kiss that were making them feel aroused.

 LOVE BEYOND ETERNITY ( RIANSH OS 18+)Where stories live. Discover now