The deadly punishment

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REQUESTED BY makeitshine2021

It starts from when vansh was angry with riddhima for drinking water from glass and then he angrily smashed the glass into pieces..

Riddhu- vansh plzz calm down..why are you so much angry? Have some water..

Then she handed over him a glass of water but he denies to drink it..

Vansh- no..I don't want to drink it..

Riddhu- what has happened to u? why are u getting angry this much?..

But he didn't told her anything and glared her angrily..

Riddhu- ok..if you are not thirsty then let me drink water..

Vansh (angry)- no..u will also not have it..

Riddhu- but why?

Vansh- I said means no...

She ignored his words and then brought the glass near her lips but before she could drink the water , vansh snatched it from her hands and throws the glass angrily on the floor smashing it into pieces...

Riddhu- vansh what is this behaviour ? Why u broke the glass ?

"Becoz it doesn't have the right to touch your lips before me" ..he said angrily..

Riddhu(in mind)- uff..I am pregnant but it feels like he is having mood swings...

Vansh- common give me a kiss..

Riddhu- huh !!

Vansh- can't u hear Riddhima..I want a give it to me which is worth to 1000 kisses

Riddhu- ok..I am closing my eyes..u can take it by your own..

She then closed her eyes and made a cute pout..

Vansh bends down at her level but instead of kissing her he picked her up in his arms and kept her near the bed..

Riddhu- now why don't you kissed me?

Vansh- I have some important work now.. when I will return then I will kiss you all night..I will come back within 2 hrs and Don't u dare to go out from this room otherwise be ready for the punishment..

Riddhu- if I go then?

Vansh(angrily)- what u said?

Riddhu- ok ok...I was just joking..I will not go out..

Vansh- if I came in the room and didn't found u..then I am telling u Riddhima...
U will not be able to go out from this room for 1 week...
So take my warning seriously.

Riddhu(afraid)- what you will do with me?

He came closer to her.. bites her earlobe and said- then I will fuck you so hard that your pink pussy will become red by my Harsh torture..

Her cheeks turned red due to shyness...after kissing on her forehead, he left the room quickly..

After spending half an hour in a room , now she was feeling bored..

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