My Candy 🍭 (last part)

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Riddhima was crushed under the huge and giant body of Vansh. He was sleeping over her with his little mouth opened and his hands were protectively wrapped around her tiny waist.

It was very difficult for Riddhima to even breath properly. She tried to push him but he didn't move from his place.

" Va.. Vansh..plzz get up from body is aching.."

" Shhh..let me sleep.." he said in sleepy voice and rubbed his beard on her neck.
She don't know what to do.. how to make him get at last she started crying.

Hearing her sobbings, he immediately got up and looked at her with his innocent eyes.

" What happened ? why are you crying ? Did I hurt you ? "
He asked..

Riddhu- you are so heavy so I was not able to sleep..

He started laughing and said-

I am not heavy..u are so tiny and small that u couldn't able to bear my weight..

" Hey don't make fun of me.."
She said with a cute pout.

He showed his all 32 teeth and said- I think you didn't drink Complan in your childhood that's why you remain piddima till now..

" Haha..i think you have drunk extra complan that's why you become Burj Khalifa..." Riddhima replied back but immediately regretted when she saw his sad face.

Riddhu- hey..don't be sad..I am sorry.

Vansh giggled and said-

U know Kabir bhai told me that he has brought teady bear for me but I was not knowing that teady bear could speak also.

He said surprisingly making Riddhima little bit shocked.

" Hey teady bear what is your name ? " He asked innocently.

Riddhu- I am not any teady bear and my name is Riddhima.

" Wow.. Riddhima piddima.. this name suits you. You know my all other teady bears are taller than you but I must say you are more cute than all my other toys. " Vansh said while laughing.

Riddhu(in mind)- oh god.. where I am stuck.. how I will handle him.

Seeing her quiet, he thought for sometime and then started searching something.

" What are you looking for ?" She asked..

Vansh- I think your battery has discharged that's why I am looking for a charger to charge you. 

Riddhu(shocked)- whatt!!!

Vansh- yes...Why are you shocked..did I said something wrong ?
Aree wait..where is charging point of yours?

" Vansh plzz listen to me.. let us sleep..I am feeling sleepy and I don't need any charger.." she said nervously.

He tried to speak but again she started making him understand but he was more stubborn to listen..

" You speak too much Piddima bear.. first I need to off your button so that didn't open your mouth.
But wait.. I didn't find any switch on you.."

He started scanning her body to search for a button but didn't found anything. She was feeling uncomfortable from his gaze..

" Vansh plzz stop staring me.." she requested.

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