Devil can lick too 😈😈(part 1)

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Riddhima shouted at the top of her lungs... it happens with me every time..

She hurriedly removed her blanket and again found herself naked...

Hearing her screams,her granny came inside her room and her pet dog buddy also woke up from his sleep...

What happened riddhi..why u shouted?..her granny asked..

She noticed that she was naked under the blanket..

Granny- many times I have told you not to sleep like this naked..

Riddhu- I don't know it happens..every night I have clothes on my body but next day when I get up I found myself naked..

She cried in her granny's arms...

Granny- child...don't cry.. everything will become u get up fast and get ready for your college.. otherwise u will be late..


She was on the way to college and was thinking about the happenings that was taking place in her life from the past few days after she met from that weird man...

Riddhu(in mind)- what is happening with me from past few days.. everytime I feel like someone is following me and keeping an eye on me..

Soon she reached her not so good college where every students whether he/she is senior or her classmates bully her always as she belongs from poor family..girls are jealous from her becoz of her natural beauty and boys pass bad comments on her body structure..

Riddhima has only one friend in her college and that is Sejal...

Some Boys are standing near the gate and as soon as they saw Riddhima..they started bad mouthing about her..

Kabir- 'aa gyi maharani'..
Wlcm kiddo..

Sam- oh..just look at her clothes..
If u don't have proper clothes then tell us ..we will give you new clothes or we have one more offer..

U can come to college without clothes also..we will love to see your soft Milky body..

Tears started coming down from her eyes..she ran quickly from there..

As she was running in the corridor while crying..
A cold wave came hitting her body..she abruptly stops at her place..That familiar cold feeling was washed over her again with a wave that was staggering..A cold chill crept up her spine , raising the air on the back of her neck..

She closed her eyes and felt relaxed...

Soon she felt that someone was wiping her tears..a smile came on her face..
But soon she opened her eyes with a Jerk and found no one infront of her..

Riddhu(in mind)- what was that..why I felt suddenly so relaxed...

Riddhima Riddhima where are you lost..
Sejal came running from behind..

Riddhu- no where...let's go to our class ...we are getting late..

In classroom..

Teacher was taking their lectures but riddhima's mind was somewhere else..she looked out of the window and gets shocked on finding the same weird man who is continuously stairing at her without blinking of an eye..

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