junooniyat-hadd se jada (part 2)

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Vansh- abhi toh ek aur surprise dena bacha h tumhe sweetheart..

Riddhu-now what..

He pecked her lips and said..

that I was behind u from last 7 years..

Her mouth was wide open in shock as she couldn't digest what she just heard..

Vansh being tharki , he slid his tongue inside her mouth and started tasting every corner of it.. Riddhima came out from his la la land when she felt some movement on her lips..

Hmm..va..vansh..tell..na..pl.. please..how..u..kn.. know me.. from..la..last..7..yrs.,
She said while moaning..

He broke the kiss and continued speaking...

7 yrs before,u were living with your two Friends and they were Sejal and Gayatri..

Am I right or am I right sweetheart..

Riddhu- yes..but how do u know about Gayu?

Vansh- common sweetheart..I am vansh raisinghania and I know each and every thing about others..

So,once I came into your orphanage for donation and there I saw that you were busy playing with your orphanage children..
That time,I felt a mere pull of attraction towards u..but I shrugged off my thoughts
Thinking that it might be just attraction..

But I was proved wrong.. after seeing u in orphanage..I couldn't able to sleep at night becoz every time when I tried to sleep,you pretty face comes infront of my eyes..
So I took out whole information about u..

Riddhu- ohh.. so the great VRS was behind me from that time..

Vansh- yes sweetheart..I used to watch your every action.. where u go..whom u meet.. but from far away...
My men were always there to protect u..

Riddhu- but why u didn't come infront of me that time?

Vansh- becoz my enemies were there all around..and I didn't want that they should get to know about you..
Otherwise they could target u as my weekness..

And after 2 yrs, I went to Goa for important meeting and u also came goa with your college students and teachers..
U also stayed in the same hotel in which I stayed..
I was silently watching all your actions..

Riddhu- so from that time..u were spying on me?

Vansh- yes sweetheart..

And one more secret I will tell u..

Gayu didn't killed your professor.. infact I was the one who killed him..

Riddhu was like 😳😳😱😱.

Don't give horrible expression sweetheart..it's true I was the one who killed him..he was trying to molest you and my blood boiled after seeing this...
Gayu hitted him from the rod on his head..he collapsed on the floor and after that u both ran away from there..
But your professor was alive..he was not dead that time..

So I came inside the room and beaten him mercilessly from that rod only until he died there..
But police misunderstood the case and arrested Gayu for killing him...
I wanted to give him the most
Painfull death but he died so easily...

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