My Ansh Bear 🐻 (Part 2)

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Next day ,

Vansh got up first from his sleep and he felt feather like weight on him...
He rubbed his eyes to clear his vision and saw that riddhima was sleeping over him whith a cute pout on her lips and her arms were wrapped around his waist tightly..

Now for the first time, vansh was observing her features carefully...

Vansh(in mind)- though she is irritating me but she is so cute...just look at her pout,
I am feeling like to kiss her...
Uff vansh control..I can't do this..

He then kept her on the bed and went into the washroom for morning routine..

After few hours, when she got up from her sleep , she started panicking as she didn't found vansh near her..

Riddhu(crying)- where is my bhalu ? Did he left me ?

Ansh..ansh..she shouted and ran out of the room to search him..

Vansh was in his office room doing some work..when he heard her voice , he got scared thinking what has happened to her..

Vansh- Riddhima..what happened ? Why are you shouting ?

She saw him and ran towards him and hugged him tightly..

" I thought u left me...where were u..ha..don't leave me like this.." she complained him while still sobbing in his arms..

Vansh- u were sleeping so I didn't wake u up...and where I will go leaving my house only..
U go and freshen up now.. angre must be coming with your chocolates...

She jumped in excitement and quickly ran from there...
But instead of going towards her room,she went into his room...


After attending his online meeting, vansh decided to check her once whether she got ready or not..

But what he saw at his room, made him still..

Riddhima was standing only in her bra and panty and she was throwing all his clothes on the floor from his closest..

He didn't cared about the clothes but seeing her like this made him gulped his Saliva...her white milky body making him hard..

Vansh(in mind)- oh God..she is so beautiful..I must do something quickly before I did something to her..

(To Riddhima)- Riddhima.. what is this ? What are u searching in my closet ?

He marched towards her and asked..

" Vo ansh..I don't have my clothes to wear so I am thinking to wear your shirt...
But u don't have pink colour shirt and I want to wear that colour dress only as it is my favourite.." she said while making her faces..

" I am girl or what that I will wear pink colour shirt."
He thought..

He then observed her with his hungry eyes and then searched something in his closest and took out shirt which is of black colour ..

" u wear this..u know I like black as well as it is also matching with your undergarments.." he said with a wink..

Riddhu- ok..if u like this..
Then I will wear this only..

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