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It starts from the scene when vansh leaves Riddhima in Manali and introduces that chimkaandi as his wife..

At Manali,

Riddhima get up from her sleep and smirked after not finding vansh on her side..

Riddhu- ohh..so my dear husband has left me alone here and went to VR mansion to introduce that bitch his wife infront of media😏😏..
But Don't worry mister..u just wait and watch how I will trap u in your plan only..😈😈

She went outside the room and talked to the manager of the hotel..

Riddhu- did my husband went?

Manager- yes mam..in morning only..

Riddhu- good..take this money and don't open your mouth..

Manager- yes mam..

Riddhu(in mind)- I am coming vansh..be ready for the punishment 😈😈

Then she leaves from there for Mumbai ..


Scene shifts ..

At VR mansion,

Everything is ready at VR mansion according to the vansh plan...fake media is there.. chimkaandi is also getting ready in her room..

Vansh(in mind)- where is riddhima? She has not come till now..is she is in any danger?..
No no..I have to think about my plan..today I will snatch her indentity..

Repoter- mr. Rai Singhania why u called us here?

Vansh- have patience..today I am going to indroduce u all with my wife...

Ahana descended down from the stairs and at the same time Riddhima also came inside the house ...

Vansh jaw dropped after seeing Riddhima...he couldn't believe on his eyes..

Reporter- sir..where u are lost..u were saying something..

Vansh- yes yes..meet my wife riddhi..I mean mrs Ahana raisinghania..

Ahana came down from stairs and stood beside vansh...

But vansh's eyes were on something on else..he is continuously scanning Riddhima from top to bottom..

Riddhima smirked as she noticed his intense gaze on her..

Riddhu(in mind)- my plan is working..

She has wore a sexy dress and started walking inside the mansion..

She has wore a sexy dress and started walking inside the mansion

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