My Ansh Bear🐻 (Part 3)

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Many days riddhima was ruling VR mansion like a queen..she was happily roaming here and there and there was no one to stop her....

At this time, she was in his room and getting bored as Vansh was doing online meeting with his clients...

Riddhu- hmm..what to do ? I am getting bored and ansh is also busy..
Let me check his almirah..he always says to me not to opened this almirah..let me also see what he has inside that he doesn't want to show me..
May be chocolates!!

Then she opened his almirah and found different types of perfume bottles, expensive watches and many more things.
One by one she started throwing all the things in the floor..

At the corner she found different flavours of condom which she misunderstood as chocolates..

Riddhu- huh !! What is this ?
It's look like chocolate.. is so many..
So that's why bhalu doesn't want me to check this almirah.. he wants to eat all these alone..I will not leave him now..

"Chocolate,strawberry ,apple, riddhu..u have so many I will not share this with him..
Let me go and scold him that why he hided this from me.."



Vansh was busy in online meeting with his 5 foreign clients..his back was facing the door so when she came inside he didn't get to know..

She stood near him and shouted...

" Ansh..u idiot..u have so many chocolates in you almirah..why u didn't tell me ?
U want to eat all alone.."

She showed him packets of condom but not only him as well as his clients also saw it as the laptop was opened.

Vansh was hell embarrassed infront of everyone..

Riddhu- why are u quiet ? Answer me bhalu...

She then turned her face towards the laptop and saw that all were looking here and there..
But one man attracted his attention who was bald..

Riddhu- " oh hello taklu uncle..where are your hairs ?
It looks like rat has eaten all your we can also play tabla on your head.."

She started laughing loudly by holding her stomach...
Vansh immediately shut the laptop and dragged her to the room...

" Aaah..ansh is painting.." she cried..

Vansh- Ridhima I told u na not to opened that almirah then why did u not listened to me ?

He noticed Condom in her hand and snatched it from her..

Riddhu(crying)- ansh plzz give it to me.. these are mine...plzz

Vansh- Riddhima it is for the children and it is not any go and play with your other toys..

But she was more stubborn..

" No no..I want that only.. what is there in it that u are not ready to share with me.."

He was trying his best to control his anger but at last his patience gave up and he shouted on her making her flinched back..

" Enough !! I can't tolerate your childish behaviour now..
I am saying that it's not for the kid then listen to me.."

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