Riddhima V/S Vansh

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I am seeing that people are fighting over RiAnsh. Some are taking Vansh's side while some are taking Riddhima's side. Even if they are wrong also.
So I am going to write what I feel in third person's point of view.

And the scene starts from the last episode of immj2 but here riansh are taking divorce due to their misunderstandings, regular fighting and lack of communication.

And the third person will be Uma. Though she is dead but her soul comes in riansh's dream to make them understand so that they can realise their mistake. 

I know nothing like this happens in reality but I think none other than expect a mother can make their children understand. So that's why I brought uma here.


So the scene starts from  RiAnsh are found sleeping in a separate room. They are in a deep slumber and soon they found themselves in a dark room.

" Where I am ? " Vansh said to himself.

" Is anybody here ? " Riddhima said..

Hearing each other's voice, they turned towards each other and looked at each other with hatred. The eyes which once was filled with love for each other are now emotionless.

" What are you doing here? " Vansh asked.

Riddhu- same question even I can ask you..

He was going to shout on her but stopped hearing someone's crying sound. They both looked here and there to find the source of the sound but due to the darkness all around they couldn't see anything.

Suddenly the lights of the room switched on and they both shocked to see the person sitting on a chair who was crying miserably.

" Maa.." Riansh said in union and ran towards her to hug her but uma showed them her hands indicating them not to come near her.

" Maa.. I can't believe you are standing infront of me.. plzz let me hug you for once." Vansh cried.

Riddhima also wanted to hug her and get some motherly feeling as she never got that.

" No Vansh no..don't you both dare to come near me and no need to call me mother becoz you both lost that right before long back only. " Uma Shouted.

" Maa..why are you saying like this ? " Riddhima asked while controlling her tears.

Vansh- yes maa..did we done something wrong that you are angry from us ?

Uma- you both are asking from me what you have done ?
Ok so let me only tell you..
You both have done everything to destroy your relationship.
Isn't it ?
And that's why you both are taking divorce now.

" Maa..she always keeps on interfering in my business and never trusted me. Even she married me for another man.
Now we don't have any other choice except to get separate. And it will be good for both of us. " Vansh said without any emotion.

Riddhu- even you are also not less vansh..you never tried to understand me. You always keeps on shouting and doubting on me. And even you also didn't punish your family members what they did with me behind your back.

They both started arguing while uma was hurt watching both of them fighting like this.

" Enough...stop now..." She yelled.

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