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" Come..come to me Riddhima.. come to your Raj..
Your Raj is waiting for you from so many years..Now I am loosing my patience. Come and save your Raj..take me out from this prison. I am dying slowly. "

" Noooooo !! Not again plzz.. Riddhima shouted and got up from her sleep. She was sweating badly and her heartbeat was faster. She rubbed her chest to calm herself.

Listening her scream, Sejal hurriedly came into her room.

" Riddhima what happened ? Now don't say that you saw that dream again ? " She asked.

Riddhu- yes Sejal..I saw it again. Someone was calling me for help. I don't know who he is and why he is calling me ?

Sejal- oh Riddhima..may be he is your secret lover who loves you a lot and that's why u hear his voice even in your dreams. And he is missing you that's why he is calling you again and again.

Riddhu- just shut up Sejal. I don't believe in all this.
Anyways I am going to take shower as I am getting late for the college.

Though she tried to become brave infront of Sejal but deep inside she was scared about her dream. She was getting this dream regularly as soon as she Turned 18.

She stripped her clothes and stood under the shower. She closed her eyes and again her mind went back to her dream.

" Come..come to me Riddhima.. come to your Raj..
Your Raj is waiting for you from so many years..Now I am loosing my patience. Come and save your Raj..take me out from this prison. I am dying slowly "

His voice is ringing in her mind again and again. She closed her ears with both of her hands and shouted.

" Just stop it. I don't want to hear this noise again.
Who are you ? Why are you calling me ? I don't know who is why he is calling me again and again in my dreams ?
What connection I have with him ?
Oh Bappa plzz help me..I will become mad.."

She cried hard and in this process her hand accidentally hits the mirror smashing into pieces. Blood started coming out from her injured hand.

She opened the tap of wash basin to wash her blood but as soon as she touched the water, her wound vanished within a second making her gasp in shock.

" What the hell ? What.. What is happening with me ?
How my wound vanished by itself ? " she said while looking at her shivering hands.

" I..I think I have become totally insane..
What to do now ? Should I tell to sejal but I know she will not believe me and will make fun of me." she thought.


" Are you serious Riddhima ? I still couldn't believe what you are saying ? " Kabir asked her shockingly after she told him what was happening with her after she has turned 18.

They were sitting in a random cafe and chatting.

Riddhu- yes Kabir it's true.. I don't know what is happening with me ? I am fed up now. Neither I am not able to sleep properly nor I am able to concentrate in any of my work.

Kabir- relax Riddhima you are thinking too much. I think you need medical treatment.. don't take me wrong baby but you seeing the same dream again and again that too daily. It has affected your mental health. I will advised you should go to a doctor.

 LOVE BEYOND ETERNITY ( RIANSH OS 18+)Where stories live. Discover now