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This chapter has dialogues, words, and scenes that can trigger a person. So, if you are sensitive, don't read this and find some stories that are suitable.


Third Person


In this world, there are so many different kinds of people who have different personalities, lifestyles, statuses, and experiences. In the game of life, there are some people who are born to be FORTUNATE and others born to be UNFORTUNATE. There are also some people who live miserable and amusing lives.

Yeongdo-gu Busan, South Korea is a city with a lot of people who have different statuses, such as low class, middle class, and high class. In the small bungalow house that is painted in gray and dark colors with a cypress tree in the backyard and dried flowers, there is a family living there with one son.

The Park family has a son named Park Jimin who is living an unfortunate life. His family is not treating him well, and they are making him do things against his will.

Since he was young and until he reached adulthood, his parents treated him the same. They are treating him like a dog and a slave.

"Bitch, give me some water"

Shouted by Mr.Park with an annoyed and angry expression on his wrinkled face,

The father of the family was sitting on the chair eating his breakfast when he shouted to Jimin that he was busy fixing his bag for school. Mr. Park asked for some water even though the pitcher was beside him. He is too lazy to give himself a drink.

That's why he is shouting at Jimin by calling him a bitch. After hearing this, Jimin hurriedly put his books and pen in his bag so that he could go to the kitchen.

He ran until he reached the kitchenette of the house. When he saw his father, he saw that he was irritated.

"I'm sorry Fath--I mean Sir," he said.

He grabbed the pitcher to fill the glass for his father.

He bowed his head to avoid eye contact with his father.

The house is filled with bottles of beer and it smells like liquor since his father and mother were addicted to drinking.

They are going to hurt him if he didn't buy his parents a bunch of beers at night. An intoxicating smell of cigarettes was filling the whole house. The table in the living room has a packet of drugs that his parents take to get high.

"Do you still need anything, Sir?"

While fidgeting with the hem of his white long sleeve, the blonde mumbled.

Mr. Park looks at his son irritatingly.

"Can you shut up your filthy voice? I don't want to hear it, it's irritating. Leave the kitchen now, I don't want to see you, Slut!"

Those words stung Jimin's heart. Every day, he heard his father say words like "BITCH," "SLUT," and "FILTHY," but it still hurt. Their words killed him inside. He is refraining from crying since if he cries, his father will be irritated at him again.

He bit his lips hard until he tasted the metallic taste of blood from his bottom lips. He doesn't care if his lips bleed by biting since he is numb from the pain like physical pain and emotional pain that came from his family.

He accepted all their treatment because he loved them a lot. He may be pathetic, but he really loved his parents from the bottom of his heart. He is the only one who he has. He doesn't have any other family, he has no friends, and he is a loner. Everyone treated him badly, and life was a bitch for him since he was still a child.

He nodded at his father's insults, and he slowly turned away to walk out of their kitchen.

"That's good leave. All you can give is misfortune and bad luck. I hate seeing your shitty and ugly face."

Another harsh word came from his father's mouth, and the tears he had resisted before burst forth from his hazelnut eyes.

He let the tears cascade down his cheeks since his father could not see his face since he was facing his back.

He bit his bruised lips and started to walk again with a heavy heart and a stinging heart. When Jimin reached his room, he locked the door and slid on the wall while covering his mouth with his small hands to stop the sobs.

He didn't want his father to hear his sobs since he was about to hear another insult and the hurtful words that he had heard earlier in the day were enough for his breakfast.

He wiped the tears that were wetting his cheeks. He looked at the body mirror beside his closet and saw that his eyes were puffy, his cheeks were red and the tip of his nose was too.

His plump lips were swollen due to the harsh biting until they bleed. His blonde hair was messy and wet from his sweet forehead.

He is looking at his reflection in the whole body-length mirror, and sees a teenager who is sad, miserable, and ruined. A loner college student that has friends and is always getting bullied by them by calling him nasty names.

A son that wants to be loved by his father, a son that needs affection and attention, a son that deserves respect.

Jimin sniffed and he looked at his worn-out long sleeve and the paws of his sleeve that was wet because of his tears.

"I just want love,"

Jimin whispered, still looking at his reflection in the mirror.

"I just want to be loved"

A fat tear escapes his eyes once more as he realizes that no one will ever love him because his father was correct: he is a bitch, a slut, a filthy person, and no one will ever love him.

"But I think no one will love me. I'm pathetic"

"A bitch, he is right"

He cried more and let out all the pain. He let the sobs escape from his mouth that filled the dark and sad room.

He fisted his hair and gripped it hard.

"Why am I unfortunate? Why am I experiencing this? I am not a bad person and I'm not hurting anyone. But why am I experiencing this? Why I'm miserable"

"Why? Why? Did I do something wrong, God? Am I a bad person? Then why am I suffering? Why I'm miserable and treated badly?"



Like I said in the beginning, this story will contain sensitive topics, so if you are sensitive and easily triggered, don't read it :)

I hope you all enjoy this chapter :)

- Love lots ♥

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