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Third Person


The sky was cloudy with gray and black clouds filling the sky. The breeze was cold and it was windy. Leaves were dancing roughly together with the wind. Sakura leaves are slowly falling to the ground and being blown by the rough wind.

There are only a few students left at Busan International High, including Jungkook and Jimin, who are still sitting in the corner of the rooftop together watching the birds fly, enjoying the cold breeze brought by the winds and enjoying the grey, white, and blue hues of the clouds decorating the sky.

Jungkook was playing with the small ring and pinky finger of Jimin. He drew some circles and some unknown patterns on the back of the hand of the older man. No one is speaking, they are not talking, they just enjoy the serenity of their surroundings, just happy to have enjoyed each other's warmth.

Slowly, Jimin lays his head on Jungkook's lap. The younger didn't react to what the older did; he just let him. After playing with his fingers, he played Jimin's soft blond locks. He was combing them softly and slowly.

Jimin's is close.

He liked how soft Jungkook caressed his locks; it gave warmth to his whole body. Nobody did this to him, not even his parents. They didn't care about him. Jungkook is the only person in this world who caresses him with so much love and care.



Again, Jimin called him "baby."

A small blush crept into Jungkook's small face. He felt his face become hot because of the endearment.

"Do you want to go to the nearby coffee shop, Jiminie-hyungie?"

He asked.

Jimin slowly opened his eyes and faced Jungkook. He became engrossed in the younger's stunning doe eyes.

He sat properly after he got up on the lap of the younger

Jimin nodded, agreeing to go to the nearby coffee shop.

He is the one that gets up and helps Jungkook stand on his seat.

"Thank you, Hyungie."

He pinched the younger cheeks and smiled at him.

"You are welcome, Kookie."

"Let's go, Hyungie"

Jungkook grabbed his young arm. Jimin was lucky that Jungkook grabbed his left arm and not the right since he has bruises there that are still fresh. He cut his right wrist yesterday to stop the thoughts in his mind.

He intertwined his fingers with the younger, and Jungkook didn't mind it. He liked it that their hands were intertwined and too perfect for each other. They fit each other.

He was dragged by the youngster while going down the stairs. A smile plastered on Jimin's lips while looking at their hands

They walked until they reached the coffee shop near the school. When they enter the shop, there are no customers; the only people there are the baristas. The shop was open, but no one was visiting it.

"Let's sit there, Kookie."

Jungkook nodded.

They put their things on the corner of the table.

A barista comes to them to ask for their order.

"Hmm.. Can I have a banana milkshake and carrot cake? How about you, Hyungie?"

"Just mango milkshake and chocolate cake."

"Is that all, sir?"

They both hummed

"Just wait for 5 minutes, sir. I will serve it soon. "

The barista left.

It's beautiful here, Jiminie-hyungie.

"Hmm.. You're right, it's beautiful here."

The duo talks while waiting for their order.

The shop was not too small or too big. Its ambiance was good. Its combination has a vintage and retro vibe. The plants that are on the corner make the whole shop homey and comfy. The minimal paintings were prettily and decently decorated along the walks. Some photographs were hung on the walls beautifully. The walls were painted grey, and Christmas lights were hung throughout the shop to provide illumination.

Books were organized on the medium-sized bookshelf. The books are categorized into different genres like historical, romance, science fiction, teen fiction, vampires, horror, and werewolves. On the top of the shelf, there is a bonsai that is in the pot. It is trimmed.

The chairs and tables were made of wood. There is a vase filled with different varieties of flowers in the corner that brings natural scents into the shop, like blue roses, carnations, lilacs, and hyacinths. A dream catcher was hung on the coffee shop's door, and there is a doormat and a basket in front of the door where you can put your umbrella if it rains.

Exactly five minutes after their order arrived at their respective tables,

"Enjoy Sirs."

They both say thank you at the same time to the barista that served their order.

"Hyungie, their carrot cake is so delicious."

"Really, Kookie?"

"Yes, Hyungie, do you want to have a taste?"

Jungkook didn't wait for his young answer. He shoved the carrot cake that was in the fork in the mouth of Jimin.

He just shook his head and smiled a bit when Jungkook fed him.

"Hyungie, it is good, right?"

He asked happily.

Jimin hummed.

You are right, Kookie. It's good and delicious. "

"Can I have yours too, Hyungie?"


Jimin confusedly asked

"Aish, feed me too, hyungie."

He obeyed what Jungkook said to him, but he did it willingly. He fed Jungkook strawberry cake with a smile plastered on his lips that made his eyes turn into crescent.

Even their strawberry cake was delicious, hyungie.

"Let's go back here tomorrow, Hyungie, please."

Jungkook uses his best asset, which is his doe eyes. He has those puppy eyes that no one can resist. He is asking Jimin again to go here tomorrow, and who is Jimin to decline the younger man's request? The younger puppy's eyes make him weak and make him unable to resist; it hypnotizes him.

He is whipped by Jungkook, he just doesn't know that for now.

Of course, baby. We will go back tomorrow if you want after our class. "

"Yey! You're the best, Hyungie. "

He laughs at his cuteness.

They continue eating their food, still talking to each other.

Yes, they are feeding each other, and everyone in the coffee shop is looking at the two, thinking they are a couple because they are too sweet and cute.



I hope you enjoy this chapter :)

- Love lots

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