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This chapter has dialogues, words, and scenes that can trigger a person. This chapter has dialogues, words, and scenes that can trigger a person.


Third Person


Thursday came and it had been 2 days since Jimin hadn't attended his classes. Jungkook was worried sick about him. The ravenette was sitting on his seat in the last row. His backpack was occupying the empty seat next to Jimin's.

It was 20 minutes before the class started, and he was worried that his Jiminie-hyungie would not attend class again. He wants to text or maybe call the older man, but he remembers that he doesn't have the number of his hyung. He is fidgeting at the hem of his knitted sweater and biting his bottom lip while looking at the glass window.

Through the window, you can see the grassy and greeny fields. The sakura flower was dancing along with the chirping and free birds flying in the sky. The different varieties of flowers that are planted in the field give color to the surroundings.

He jolted when the loud ring of the bell rang, indicating that the first period would start anytime soon.

He looked at the empty seat on his side.

"I miss you, Hyungie."

The blonde hair is walking in the hallway. He knew that he was already late for his first class.

The reason why he is late is because of his father. He made him clean the whole house, cook a lot of food, and do the laundry. He ran all the way to the school so that he would not be late, but he is still late. The first period was starting and his professor in his first-class was strict and tense. He didn't tolerate latecomers.

He was walking peacefully in the hallway when someone dragged him into the janitor's room. He was pushed to the floor harshly.

He groaned from the pain when his buttock hit the concrete floor. The light in the room is dim, so you can see a few of your surroundings. When he looked up and looked at the person who had pushed him harshly and dragged him into the janitor's room, he wasn't surprised when he saw the infamous Kim Yugyeom.

"Why did you attend school for, huh? Park? "

Jimin didn't respond. He just shook his head.

"I'm asking you! You piece of shit"

Yugyeom shouted

No one hears them right now, even if they shout since the students are in their classroom and the janitor room is far from the classroom.

"Yugyeom. Stop this."

"I will stop, but you need to stay away first from Jungkook."

Yugyeom smirked.


Jimin declared, he shook his head, not agreeing with what he said.

"No matter what you say, I will not leave Jungkook.

A punch landed on the face of Jimin.

"Repeat what you said."

Jimin's nose and lips are bleeding.

Yugyeom was threatening Jimin again. He is ordering Jimin to leave Jungkook alone. You can say that Yugyeom was already obsessed with the bunny boy and wanted him at all costs.

He really hated the blonde boy because Jungkook was too close to him. They always ate lunch together and sat beside each other. He always makes the bunny boy smile, and it makes Yugyeom's blood boil.

He kicked Jimin's stomach.

The blonde didn't defend himself; he just hugged himself. He received all the punches and kicks. He doesn't want to do what they wanted him to do.

"Leave Jungkook alone, your trash."

"Piece of shit"

"Poor Beggar"


"Gold digger"

Despite the insults and harsh punches and kicks, he didn't shed tears. He is tired from crying and even his eyes are tired too from shedding tears. When Kim Yugyeom was already tired, he left Jimin in the janitor's room.

"I'm repeating it again. STAY AWAY FROM MY JUNGKOOK "

The blonde coughed blood, and his white shirt was now dirty because of the dust, and his shirt also had a bloodstain.

He stood from his lying position. He couldn't attend class in this state, so he decided to go to the clinic to have the nurse treat his wound. He was limping while walking. He was holding his bruised stomach. His nose was bleeding and he was tasting the metallic taste of blood.

After a long walk, he arrived at his destination, which is the clinic. When the nurse saw his state, she immediately helped him sit on the sofa.

"What happened to you?"

Jimin didn't answer.

He doesn't intend to tell anyone about what happened because he doesn't want to make things worse. He knew that no one would believe him when he said the words, "Who is going to believe a poor human being like him?"

He shook his head.

The nurse made him sit on the sofa. After treating his wounds, he thanked the nurse.

"What really happened to you? Tell me we will report it to the Principal. "

"No, Noona, no need. Nothing happening "

Jimin assured

"No, I'm not believing you. I know that someone beat you, so tell me what their name is. "

"Noona, thank you for your concern, but I'm really okay. No one beat me. "

Okay, but next time I see you again with bruises, tell me the truth, okay?

He nodded.

When the nurse went back to her desk to write some notes in her notebook, Jimin lay on the sofa carefully since the bruise on his stomach was still fresh.

After recovering from his bruises the last two days, he has fresh bruises again. What an unlucky life for Jimin. Today he was excited to see his best friend, but to his luck, he didn't see him yet because he was late and because of Yugyeom.

He sighed.

"I miss you, Kookie."

He misses Jungkook a lot. He wanted to go to school 2 days ago, but he is still limping and can't walk properly. His body is still sore. All he does for the 2 days is rest until he can because his father is not at home for the whole 2 days; he just came back today. That's why he is not.

He looks at his wristwatch. The first period of the first period is already done and it is 2 minutes before the second period. For now, he decided that he would attend his class in the afternoon. For now, he would rest his body and mind.



I hope you enjoy this chapter :)

- Love lots ♥

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