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Third Person


"I'm sorry for not telling the truth to you Jungkook it's not my intention. You know kookie all I wish was to be loved by my parents but they never did. They always just hurt me. My father is always calling me the name, he always insults me"

You don't need to continue with Jiminie-hyungie.

"No kookie, I want to be fully honest with you. I want to tell you the whole truth about myself. I don't want to lie to you this time. "

If you are comfortable in telling me, Hyungie, then continue, but just stop if you want to continue anymore.

"Yes Kookie"

In the greeny garden, filled with flowers, it makes up the whole surroundings. The butterflies were flying in the garden, and bees were in the flower getting its pollen. Sakura flowers were whistling along with the birds' chirping. The wind wasn't that cold or hot.

The sakura leaves were falling from their branches.

I hate it when they touch my neck and chest. It scares me and it makes me tremble in fear if they accidentally touch me there. Do you remember when you saw me in the bathroom having a bruise and having a panic attack? "

"Yes hyungie, You didn't want me to touch you that time, saying "don't touch me."

Jimin nodded.

"Honestly baby, that time when you see in the comfort room, Yugyeom beat me that time"

Yugyeom? "Kim Yugyeom?"

He hummed.

Yeah, Kim Yugyeom, he beat me and threatened me that he would make my life miserable and a living hell if I didn't avoid you."

Avoid me? But why Hyungie? "

Baby, he likes you. He is obsessed with you. He wants to have you and he didn't want me to get close to you. "

I'm sorry, Hyungie. You get beaten because of me. "

It's not your fault, kookie.

But it's my fault too because he likes me.

"No, don't say that, okay."

There is a long pause between them.

Then, Hyungie, what about your absence last week? Did your father give you the reason why you did not attend classes? "

He nodded.

"When I spend my 2 whole days in your house because of the typhoon, he gets mad because he didn't see me at home. I face his wrath when your drivers drive me a house. I was trembling when I was walking in the pathway. I'm also trembling while twisting the doorknob. When I saw them pass the living room he is sitting on the sofa drinking beer"

Did he hurt you a lot?

"He threw me the glass and it shattered. He insulted me, saying I was whoring around like my prostitute mother. Then, after insulting me at that time, he kicked my stomach, punched my jaw, slapped my face, and yanked my hair harshly"

"I was begging and pleading at that time for him to stop, but he didn't hear me. No one helped me at that time, baby. I was the only one. He hurt me until he got tired. I didn't fight because if I did he would just hurt me more. "

"Shhhh, stop now hyungie"

"Stop now, telling me this. I can't anymore. I can't bear hearing the way they hurt you. It gives pain in my heart. I can't imagine those things they did to you. You are kind and so sweet hyungie you don't deserve those horrible things. Tell me hyungie what do you want me to do to lessen all the pain you are feeling?"

"Nothing baby, just stay with me always"

Jungkook nodded.

He wiped the tears that is wetting Jimin's face

"You deserve the whole world hyungie. They need punishment for what they did. I'm angry with your father hyungie he is bad and horrible. How can he hurt an angel like you? Also, Yugyeom doesn't have the right to hurt, threaten you like that. They need to get a punishment"

"I know, I know Kookie"

Tears were still cascading both cheeks. The pain hurt, and pity were the things that is felt for Jimin.

He didn't feel disgusted at all.

He is more proud and happy that Jimin chooses to live and fight for his life regardless of what he experienced.



"Thank you"

"Thank you for what, Kookie?"

He was confused.

"Thank you for living and fighting hyungie. Thank you for not giving up despite the things that happen to you, you are brave, you are a fighter and you are the angel"

I also want to thank you, baby, for being my first friend, my hope, my angel, and my only escape. When I started to look into your eyes, I always saw the brightness and the light. Thank you, my baby. "

"Thank you for trusting me hyungie"

They wiped each other's tears.

"Let me hug you hyungie and kiss your boo boo"

He hugged the older man and kissed the older man's cheeks, which had fading bruises on his lips.

"Are you still hurt hyungie?"

"Not anymore, baby, not anymore as long as you're by my side."

"You're so cheesy Jiminie-hyungie"

"It's not cheesy baby, I'm just telling the truth"

"Hyung can I ask you a favor?"

"Yes Kookie anything"

"Can you please not lie to me anymore. Can you please tell me the truth always? You can trust me in your secret. I can be innocent sometimes but I'm not oblivious. I see it in your eyes when you are lying to m or not, be honest with me this time hyungie"

"Yes, kookie. I promise you that this time I will not lie to you anymore. I will tell you everything now. I will be more honest and truthful"

They get up in their sitting position since the driver of the younger informed him via text that he is in the gate now, waiting.

They arrived at the gate seeing the blue Lamborghini car.

"Go inside Kookie"

"No, hyungie. You will go with me"

"But, kookie my father will get mad if I didn't go home right now"

"No hyungie, I won't let you go home anymore. I don't him to hurt you again. You will leave in your father's house and you will live now in our house. You deserve better hyungie"

"Let's go home in our house shall we Jimibue-hyungie?"



I hope you enjoy this chapter :)

- Love lots ♥

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