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Third Person


He hadn't attended his morning class since his father left that morning, and he was hesitant to leave his room. He just leaves his room to attend school in the afternoon.

He eats the kimchi fried rice that is in the fridge before he goes to school and also washes all his clothes before attending his math class in the afternoon. When he arrived at the room, it was still early and the students were still having their lunch break.

He sat on his seat and he put his bag on the seat of Jungkook.

He attended school today because his black eye and wounds are now healed because of his patience in applying ointment and cream. His wrists also healed, so he doesn't need bandages anymore.

When he accidentally looked at the entrance of the room, he saw Jungkook standing there, looking at him.

He smiled when he saw the youngster staring at him.

He walked towards me and he stopped in front of me.

He looked at Jungkook with confusion.

"Tell me the truth, young man. Don't lie this time to me. I value your honesty. "

His heartbeat was fast and loud when Jungkook said that to him. His hands were shaking and trembling. The younger asked him the truth and said that he needed his full honesty.


Yes, he knows that he isn't telling the truth to Jungkook every time he asks him.

He gulps

He tries to calm himself, but he can't speak. Even though he tries, there is a lump in his throat. He is terrified at this moment. He isn't prepared for Jungkook's reaction if he told him the truth. He can't bear to see the sadness, or maybe disgust, in Jungkook's beautiful doe eyes.

Jungkook's eyes were glossy while looking directly at his eyes.


"Please don't cry, Kookie."

He pleaded

When he saw tears in the younger's eyes, it hurts.

"Shhhh..Please, baby, stop crying. It hurts hyungie"

He cries and he nuzzles his face on Jimin's neck.

"Shhhh..don't cry."

He rubbed the younger's back to soothe him as he sobbed.

"Hyungie, please don't lie to me this time."

Okay, okay, I won't lie anymore to you--"

I'll be honest with you this time, but please stop crying.I will tell you everything later.


"Yes, that's a promise, my baby."

He wiped the younger's tears and he kissed his nose.

"You're so cute, Kookie."

A blush spread on Jungkook's cheeks, so he just pouted.

Soon after, the room started to fill with lots of students, and Jungkook was sitting on his chair, since earlier he was sitting on Jimin's lap, nuzzling his head on the older man's neck while hugging him. Jimin was just rubbing his back and drawing some patterns on his hips.

The duo was writing some notes and doodling on the back of their notebook.

The professor was busy doing some notes on the blackboard, totally ignoring his students who were writing.


Jungkook whispered softly.

He turned to face the younger.

"Yes, Kookie?"

He whispered back

Do you want to borrow my notes? You missed a lot of classes, so I thought I'd lend you my notebooks so you could copy them.

"That's nice of you, Kookie. Thank you very much."

No need to thank me, Hyungie. I'm your friend, so it's my duty to help you when you need something. "

He giggled.

Jimin pinched his cheeks


Sorry Kookie, did I hurt you? Did I pinch your cheeks hard? Huh? "

I'm just teasing and playing with you, Hyungie. I'm not hurt, so I need to say "sorry."

"I thought I hurt you."

"No, Jiminie-hyungie, you didn't hurt me. You never hurt me."

He smiles

When their afternoon classes finish, the two hurry to gather their notebooks and books. They are the first ones to leave the classroom.

"Where do you want to talk, Hyungie?"

They were walking in the hallway; some students were still in their respective classes.

Maybe in the garden.

"Okay, let's go there."

He held the hands of the older, so while they were walking, they were holding hands. No one saw them doing it since there were no students outside.

When they reach the beautiful and peaceful garden that makes your nerves calm, they sit on the grassy ground.

It took a long minute of silence before Jimin started to explain everything.

"Where do I start? Jungkook I'm sorry for lying to you many times I don't want to lie but I need to, I didn't want you to worry about me, I don't want you to pity me nor disgust me."

Hyung, I will never be disgusted with you. "You'll never know."

Jungkook I was physically, sexually, and verbally abused by my parents or my father. I didn't attend classes or I was absent because I have a lot of bruises on my body. My body is aching and hurting as a result of my father's punches and kicks."

He paused

I was always beaten by my own father. I was like a hi-punching bug. When I was 10, he raped me, and it just stopped when I was 13. My father uses me and sells my body for sex so that he can get money to support his addiction. I wanted to fight Kookie, but when I did I always got beaten worse. "

"Oh my God, Hyungie"

"I have depression, panic attack, suicidal thoughts and I harm myself. I cut my wrist to numb the pain I am feeling. I feel depressed when I am alone. There is a voice in my head that is messing up with me it always tells me that you will leave me and you don't want me"

Jimin was crying while telling Jungkook everything.

I try to fight my depression, but I need I don't have any friends, Jungkook. You are my only friend. When you came into my life, you changed everything. When I'm thinking about you, it gives me hope and warmth. Jungkook, you are my miracle."

"Hyungie, I'm sorry."

Jungkook was crying too.

"No, shhhh, don't cry. It's not your fault that I am experiencing it. You didn't do anything wrong by saying sorry. "

"But I feel like saying sorry."

"Shhh, Don't cry, baby. You are the young hope in his life, and he doesn't want his hope to cry. "



Few more chapters before it ends

I hope you enjoy this chapter :)

- Love lots ♥

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