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Third Person


The two freshmen students were eating peacefully in the cafeteria. The food they are eating is made by the mother of the younger. She prepared the ham sandwich and the lunch meal for the youngster.

They didn't order any food, so the ravenette was sharing his food with his Hyung. Jungkook brought two Chap Sticks because he had planned to share the food with Jiminie-Hyung.

His other half informed him last night that they would not be able to eat lunch with them because the high school will be on the webinar the entire day.

"Hyungie says ahhh"

Jungkook put the kimchi in the corner of Jimin's lips. He opened his mouth to eat the food given by the younger. He gave a small smile to Jungkook and sho his gratitude by saying thank you.

"Thank you, kookie, but you didn't need to feed me."

Jungkook pouted, and he whined.

"But hyungie, I want to feed you. My other horse, I always feed them, so the same goes for you. "

Jimin's sigh and nod

"Okay, Kookie. If feeding me will make you happy, then feed me more. "

Jungkook giggles and claps his cute chubby hands happily. He fed Jimin another Kimchi, and Jimin accepted it happily.

He just shook his head and smiled when he saw Jungkook enjoying feeding him. His bunny teeth were appearing and Jimin liked it a lot. It made his whole heart warm.

"Kookie, I want to feed you too, so say ahh."


Jungkook happily opens his mouth and eats the strawberry.

The older cooed to the younger while he was munching the strawberry.

He is admiring and staring at the youngest while he is eating. He liked the way Jungkook scrunched his button nose cutely. His heart was beating fast, seeing the view of the cute ravenette, but he shook his head to erase those thoughts.

So Hyungie, does your boo boo still hurt?

No more kookie. You kiss my boo boo already so the pain goes away. "

"Rwelly hyungie?"

"Yes, Kookie, your kiss has magic."

Then Hyungie said, "If you have another boo boo, I will kiss it for you so that you won't get hurt anymore."

Jimin nods softly to the youngster and smiles.

Jungkook is really a sweetheart. He is so kind to everyone, and Jimin felt so happy having Jungkook as his friend.

The two were busy feeding each other and talking. That's why they didn't see the deadly glare from someone. In the middle of the cafeteria, the Got7 were seated, talking and joking, but the leader, Kim Yugyeom, was glaring at the poor blonde. He fisted his hands and threw a dagger at Jimin.

He hates the way Jungkook smiles at Jimin. He wants to get the attention of Jungkook. He wants to be fed by the cute little bean. He is feeling rage right now. He wants Jimin to be gone from Jungkook's life. He wants the attention of the raven.

Yugyeom likes Kook, and he likes Jungkook at first sight. When he saw Jungkook, he felt that he wanted to have him at all cost, and he would destroy every person who would stop him from having the younger by himself only.

When he saw Jimin get up from his seat, he got up as well to follow the blonde, but he abruptly came to a halt when his friend asked where he was going.

"Where are you going?"

Asked by his friend named Jackson,


Jungkook wanted to go with him to the washroom to pee, and Jungkook wanted to go with him, but he declined since it wouldn't take too long for him to come back quickly.

Okay, Hyungie, but please be fast.

He patted the hair of the younger

"Yes, kookie. I promise it won't take too long. If I take too long, then follow me. Is that okay? "

Jungkook nods eagerly.

Yugyeom was behind Jimin, and he was following him. When he saw that Jimin entered the boys' C.R, he immediately entered too and locked the door so that no one could enter.

Jimin was washing his hands with the faucet and he saw Yugyeom was looking at him with anger and disgust. His heart was beating fast. He was feeling that Yugyeom would do something bad to him.

He walked to Jimin and pushed him hard until he hit the hard wall of the C.R.

"W-what do you want, Yugyeom?"

The Got7 leader smirked and laughed.

"I didn't do anything wrong with you."

Yugyeom pulled harshly on the collar of Jimin's shirt.

You didn't do anything wrong? But you did something wrong.

"Stay away from Jungkook"

Jimin gets teary when Yugyeom orders him to stay away from Jungkook. He doesn't want to be his only friend. Jungkook was the only person who cared about him and gave importance to his existence.

He immediately shook his head and nodded, agreeing with what he said.

A hard punch landed on his face when he shook his head.

"If you are not going to stay away from him, then I will make your life a living hell."

His life was already a living hell, and he isn't afraid to face hell again since he is already in hell.

"You are not good for Jungkook. He is rich, you are poor. He is gold and you are just a fake. He is a treasure and you are just trash that deserves to be in a dumpster."

Jimin receives a punch again from Yugyeom.

"I will repeat it again, you piece of trash and poor wannabe scholar, stay away from my Jungkookie."

He again shook his head, saying he wouldn't stay away from Kookie. He will face hell just to stay beside Jungkook.

"No, I won't stay away from Jungkook. He is my friend.

He keeps on punching Jimin until he is satisfied.

"Then be ready to face hell, Park fucking Jimin. I will make sure Jungkook will hate you and throw you out like the useless trash you are."

Yugyeom accidentally touched the neck and chest of the blonde, and Jimin started trembling. He didn't see the state of the poor blonde since he immediately went out of the C.R.



I hope you enjoy this chapter :)

- Love lots ♥

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