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Third Person


The school year has begun at Busan International High (BIH), one of the most prestigious schools in Busan and South Korea. The university is a school for elite people, and every student studying here has a high status.

Students parents are well educated and known in their chosen careers like parents of Jeon Jungkook's parents are known in the business world, Kim Seokjin's parents are both known in the showbiz industry, Kim Najoon's parents also known in the business world, Min Yoongi's parents are known in the music industry for being good producers, Jung Hoseok's arents known in the dancing industry for being good dance instructors, and Kim Taehyung's parents known in the music industry for being songwriters.

All of the students at this school are filthy rich, and their parents are well-known, but there is one scholar among them. He is admitted to this school since he is smart enough to pass the hard admission test. Last month he took the test, and last week he received an email from the school saying that he was going to be a scholar.

Being part of one of the most prestigious schools is a privilege. Every student enjoys the weather, and spring is one of every student's favorite seasons at Busan International High.

In the main entrance gate, some luxurious cars park outside, owned by rich, spoiled students. A few students are slowly entering the university, and some are chit-chatting on the side about their brand new bags, shoes, dresses, and cars.

A white Lamborghini car arrives in front of the gate, and the three bodyguards and one driver go out front and open the door in the backseat for the son of their boss.

A raven-haired boy leaves the Lamborghini car, carrying his books and purple backpack. He smiled at his bodyguards and driver when they opened the car door for him, and he showed his deep gratitude by saying thank you to them and bowing

"Thank you, uncles."

The bodyguards and the driver also smile at him and bow at him as a sign of respect. His guards and drivers like him as their boss's son because he is so kind and sweet, always smiling at them, and very respectful to everyone.

"Young master, do you want us to carry your bag and books?"

The bulky ravenette guard asked the bunny boy who was busy admiring the university. His eyes are twinkling and shining due to his admiration for the beauty of his school.

He turned around to his bodyguards and shook his head.

"No need for a bodyguard uncle, I can carry my books and bag, it's lightweight."

Jungkook giggled and assured his guards that it's okay that he could carry his bag.


"Yes, young master?"

"Don't call me young master, just call me kookie. okay? "

"But young master?"

"No buts, uncle-nim, just call me kookie."

Jungkook pouted in front of his bodyguards, and his guards and drivers just cooed at him, and soon they nodded at him,

"Yes, kookie."

"That's good to hear, uncle-nim."

When the ravenette saw his hyungs, he immediately bid his goodbye to his driver and guards,

"Take care of bodyguards, uncle, and driver uncle. Bye "

He bowed to them and waved his small, chubby hands. He started to jog in the direction of his beloved hyungs. His wife was seated in the chair. They were talking and laughing about something that happened to them on their vacation break.

"Good morning, hyungies."

The excited Jungkook jumps and hugs his hyungies. He kissed their cheeks because that was his habit whenever he saw his children, and he always hugged and kissed them..His five young children also warmly embrace him.

"I miss you, hyungies."

"We missed you too, baby kookie."

Jungkook giggles and smiles when Jin Hyung says that they miss him.

"We are in the same university now, young people. I will always see you now and we will talk a lot."

The five men chuckled at the cuteness of their baby maknae.

"Yes, kookie, you will see us every day."

"He is right, kookie, you will see my handsome face every day."

Jin pinches the chubby cheeks of Jungkook when they hear him giggle.

"Hwurt hyungie," the raven said as Jin pinched his red cheeks.

"I'm sorry, kookie."

The older immediately apologized to the younger when he saw that Jungkook got hurt by his light pinch that became red a few seconds ago.

It's okay, Hyungie, it doesn't hurt anymore.
Jungkook pouted and lightly shook his head when he noticed the guilt in his eyes when he pinched his slightly sensitive cheeks.He smiled brightly to reassure his young friend that nothing was hurting anymore.

"Hmm.. kookie, do you have your schedule for the whole semester?"

The second oldest asked while sitting in between Hoseok and Namjoon.

"Yes, Kook, do you want us to bring you to your class?"

Hobi asked too after Yoongi,

"Yes, Yoongi-hyung, Mommy, give me my schedule since he came here last Friday to fetch my schedule and my books." Hmm, Hobi-hyung, I want you guys to lead the way to my class since it's my first day and I'm not familiar with this place yet.

"You got us, kookie. Me and your other youngster will bring you to your class. "

Namjoon said with a smile, and he patted the black, silky-soft locks of the maknae.

"Thank you, Namjoonie-hyung, and thank you, my loving and caring hyungies."

The older kids just cooed at the youngest when he showed his infamous bunny smile that will melt the hearts of everyone.

"Where is your schedule, kook?"

When Taehyung asked where the paper that contained his schedule was, he immediately opened his backpack and found it. He handed the medium-sized piece of paper to his students, who read it right away.

"So your first class is history and it will start in 15 minutes."

"Let's go now. We will bring you to your class. We don't want you to be last on your first day as a freshman. "



I hope you enjoy this chapter :)

-Love lots ♥

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