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Third Person


He was walking faster. I saw a few students also walking to their class. Some were sitting on the bench since it's their free time. When he got into the entrance, he saw his seat and the seat of his Jiminie-hyungie.

He loudly gasped

The person he had missed for 2 days was now occupying his adjacent seat. They accidentally looked at each other's eyes and a lingering smile was playing on their lips. Their hearts were beating rhythmically.


He murmured

He entered, and we walked quickly to his room. He is pouting his lips and has a cute angry look on his small face.

"Why are you absent for 2 days, Hyungie?"

Jimin just smiled at the angry bunny that was cutely looking at him trying to be scary. His Kookie asked him now why he was gone for 2 days. He couldn't say the real truth. He couldn't say that "Kookie, I didn't attend school because I was limping and I'm sore."

"I got sick, Kookie."

He lied.


For the fifth time, he lied again to Jungkook.

His angry look and pouting faded when he said his reason for being absent. Jungkook immediately sat down on his seat and he touched Jimin's forehead to see if he still had a fever.

"You aren't sick anymore, Hyungie."

"Yes Kookie, I'm okay now that your hyungie isn't sick anymore."

Jungkook giggles.

That's good to hear from Jiminie-Hyungie, but---"

"But what, Kookie?"

"I was worried about you, Hyungie. I thought something might happen to you. I was waiting for you."

He is guilty.

He is guilty of lying to Jungkook. He is worried about him, but here he is lying to his face.

He is ashamed.

"I'm sorry, Kookie."

He said sadly.

"No need to say sorry, hyungie. It's not your fault that you get sick, okay?"

He only thinks about one thing as he stares at the younger's innocent face. He is an angel, and he doesn't deserve this beautiful and kind angel.

Jungkook carefully looked at his young face, and he was shocked when he saw bruises on his face. He was worried about what he saw; his heart was hurting again.

He caresses his young face without knowing it.

Jimin didn't flinch when Jungkook caressed his wounded cheeks. He let Kookie touch him, caress him. He loved the way his skin touched the younger skin. He loved their proximity.

He is sure that he made Jungkook worried again this time, and he is sure that he will ask again where and who did it to him.


"Yes, baby?"

The word "baby" slipped from his mouth.

He was surprised when Jungkook kissed his bruise. His heart was beating so fast again because of what Jungkook did. The softness and warmness of the lips of Kook are still on his warm cheeks. He is sure that his cheeks and whole face were reddened.

"Is it still hurting Hyungie? I kiss your boo boo so that it won't hurt. "

He innocently said, using his little voice.

He looked at the younger eyes.

"Yes, Kookie,It's not hurting anymore because you kissed it. Your kisses make it better. "

"Really, hyugie? Then do you want me to kiss it again? "

He wanted to feel Jungkook's lips on his cheeks again, so he nodded.

Again, Jungkook kissed the older bruises and wounds.

Their alone time was disturbed when their classmate, aka class president, stood on the podium to announce something.

So, our teacher is having a meeting right now till 5 p.m., so it's our free time. You can go home now if you want since there are no more classes.

The whole class shouted and was happy about not having a class this afternoon. They are happy to go home and leave school. The students gather their books, pens, and paper, and are ready to leave. Some rich girls were talking and decided to go to the mall to buy bags and dresses, while some rich boys decided to eat and drink at a nearby restaurant and bar.

When the two heard that, they looked at each other.

So, Hyungie, we don't have class and we are free this whole afternoon. Are you going home now?

He thought if he wanted to go home. He didn't want to go home yet; his father would punch him again if he did, so he shook his head.

"How about you, Kookie?"

"No, I don't want to go home yet. I want to spend more time with you more since I miss you. "

"Then what do you want to do, Kookie?"

"Then let's go to the rooftop first, hyungie?"

He nodded.

They gather their belongings and they go upstairs to reach the roof of the school. While taking the stairs, the two were talking and laughing at each other's jokes. They were having fun in each other's company. They really missed each other. It doesn't take that long to read their destination, which is the rooftop. They reach the end; they are in front of a metal door.

When Jimin tries to twist the doorknob, the older man opens the metal door. The fresh air welcomes them. They step onto the rooftop.

At the top, you can see the students walking in the hallway and in the field. Some were starting to start their engines to leave the school; some were running and trying to catch their friends.

"They are so small, hyungie."

Jungkook giggles.

He is giggling because of what he is seeing. He is on the rooftop. That's why he saw his classmate was small.

Jimin was busy admiring the young. He is staring at him. He is enjoying watching Jungkook giggle and smile. It makes his heart skip a beat. Seeing the younger's happy giggles laughs, and smiles took away his pain; he forgot how miserable his life had been, he forgot everything.

He enjoyed Jungkook's company, and he always helped him.

He is happy to have him as his friend. He is not giving up his friendship with Jungkook because Jungkook was his childhood friend.


His only escape



I hope you enjoy this chapter :)

- Love lots ♥

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