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Third Person


The Jeon's are in the garden talking to a lawyer. The lawyer was talking to Jimins, asking about everything since they were going to file a case against his father.

Rape, physical abuse, domestic abuse, verbal abuse, assault, and many more.

Jimin was initially hesitant and scared to pursue and file the case because he wanted his father to be punished by the law by the higher ranks.

He is now answering every question from the lawyer and the lawyer is reminding him of what he was going to say when the police or maybe the authorities asked him about what happened to him and his relationship with his father. Everything about this case was sensitive. He couldn't help but cry when he talked about his experience in the hands of his father.

When he also tells his story to Mr. and Mrs. Jeon, they can't help but pity and shed tears for the young blonde. They hate the things that he experienced. Jimin was a truly angelic person. He didn't deserve those painful experiences.

Now, he is trying to be strong to put justice to his misfortunes. He is feeling happy that now he will be put behind bars the person that makes him miserable and unhappy.

He hates his father, but he also wants to have his love. It is his only wish every day when he is still young and naive. He tried to win his father's love by obeying him every time in order to make him proud, but his actions only made his father angrier with him.

"Are you ready to fight your father in court?"

Asked by Attorney Choi

"Yes, attorney."

He assured her with a small

When he looked to his left side, he saw Jungkook looking at him and smiling at him, giving him courage and hope in just one simple smile.

"You can do it."

Jungkook smiled at him.

"Thank you."

He mouthed back

They both smile at each other.

When the police and the other attorneys ask you, you know how you will answer.

"Yes, attorney Choi."

"Okay, remember this: always tell the truth because the truth always wins."

"I will remember that attorney."

So we are done here. I'm going to fix my notes and I will go to the station to file this case. So, we will just see you at the hearing. "

"Thank you, Mr. Choi."

It's my duty, Mr. Park. I will take my leave now. "

The lawyer leaves the house of Jeon's. He is going to prepare his files and his evidence for the hearing. He wants to win the case. When he heard Jimins' story, he pitied his situation. He wants to give justice to the things he experienced in his 18 years of existence.

"I hope you win the case, Hyungie."

I hope that too, kookie. I also want to win. My father needs to be punished for what he did. "

"You are right, Hyungie. The law will punish him soon. "

After this case, the Jeon's were planning to make Jimin attend a session in the hospital to make him meet a psychiatrist for his mental health. Jeon's wants Jimin to have a peaceful and beautiful life from now on. They want him to heal from everything. They want him to be treated by a professional.

They talked about this already, that he would go to a psychiatrist to cure his depression, suicidal thoughts, and the voice in his head, but before doing that, they planned to finish the case first.

Jungkook was happy to see his younger face and body to see that he doesn't have bruises and wounds anymore, but there is still a small and long scar on his body that always reminds him of his painful past.

Every time he looked at his body, he remembered the beating, but he tried to ignore it because it was now done. All his miseries will end now. He has a new home now and a family.

He is content with the things he has right now; a true friend and parents that he didn't have when he was young.

The duo is sitting on the bench in the garden, silently looking at the pool.

"Are you happy, Hyungie?"

"Happy is not enough to describe how happy I am. I felt euphoric. I felt that this was just a dream.

It's not a dream, young man; it's real, and so are we.

"I know, but still, everything felt surreal and new."

A long silence passed between them before Jungkook started to speak again.

"I want to tell you something about HYUNG."

He hummed.

It's about Yugyeom.

He turned to face Jungkook.

"What about Kim Yugyeom?"

"I went to the principal's office and told him what he did to you, and the principal told him he'd be expelled if he ever tried to harm you again."He is suspended for one week.

Seriously? But you don't need to do that kookie. "

He explained

But I want it too. I don't want someone to hurt you again, Hyung. You are important to me. You are my friend, and I will do anything to protect those people that are so important to me.

He held Jungkook's hand.

Thank you, Kookie, for being a good friend. Thank you for being there for me, not leaving me. Thank you for giving me a family, a mom, and a dad. Thank you is not enough to describe how grateful I am to you. "

I'm happy to be by your side, Hyungie. You don't need to thank me because you know in yourself that you deserve it. You deserve everything you have now. "

Jungkook moves closer to Jimin and hugs him really tightly.

Jimin's heart swelled at what Jungkook said to him.

He is so grateful to Jungkook, and he is happy to have him as his best friend. He is truly an angel. An angel who came to his aid in his hour of need.

His savior in his damaged life, ruined by his own father.



I hope you enjoy this chapter :)

- Love lots ♥

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