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This chapter contains mentions of rape and sexual abuse so if you are sensitive and easily triggered this is not for you.


Third Person


The blonde was unconscious. He was lying on the cold floor, wounded and with lots of bruises on his body. Bloody lips and a bloody nose, red cheeks He is pitiful in this state. He was unrecognizable because of the black eye in both of his eyes.

His blonde hair was messy and some strands fell to the floor because of the harsh pulling of his father on his blonde locks. His stomach was aching at this moment since it had been kicked multiple times until Mr. Park was satisfied.

His jaw was dislocated. His father punched his face five times. He was beaten terribly. He begged, yes, he begged his father to stop, but he didn't listen. He never listened to his own blood and flesh. His hands were also wounded and bleeding since his father purposely pushed him on the floor that had scattered pieces of glass.

His clothes were messy and dirty. Some parts of the tee-shirt that was lent by Jungkook were torn because of the harsh pulling on his collar. He promised Jungkook to give back the shirt immediately after he washed it, but now it was ruined.

The blonde stirred in his sleep. He opened his eyes slowly. He wanted to rub his eyes since his vision was blurry, but he couldn't move his hands. It hurt. He can't even move his whole body; every part of him aches when he tries to move.

Tears streamed down his cheeks. The salty tears made his wound sting.

Everything hurts him, even his heart. It is wounded and beaten by the hurtful words that his father threw at him.

He just couldn't go home for 2 days because of the strong typhoon. He couldn't go home even though he wanted to.

He knows that these things will happen to him if his father knows that he didn't go home and will experience bad punishment. He accepted his punishment because he couldn't do anything to defy his father. He will just worsen the situation if he disobeys and fights. There is a possibility that his father will not make him attend school anymore and won't let him out if he fights for him. His father was really, really bad.

His father was a really cruel man. A flashback comes to Jimin's mind. He remembered that since he was a child, his father always beat him and used him as a punching bag when he was drunk and high on drugs.

He is a plaything for his father.

He is a doll.

He also remembered when he was 10 years old, he was playing a robot in the living room. His father was drunk at that time and high on drugs, and his mother at that time was in the club doing some job as a prostitute.

His father eyed him that time with lust in his eyes. He dragged the little Jimin into the room, where he stripped him and threw him in the bed. He was still young and innocent at that time, but his innocence was gone after his father raped him that night multiple times, even until he passed out. His father was still sexually abusing him and raping him.

He begged his father to stop, but he didn't listen. His cries and pleas at that moment weren't heard. He asked for help, but no one listened. No one helped him.

He shook his head and released a deep, tired sigh.

"I hope everything will be okay soon."

He murmured

He tried to lift his body. He tried to stand. He held onto the near sofa to get some support. Even though it ached, he tried to walk until he reached his room to lie comfortably in bed. He gets support from the wall, table, and sofa so that he won't stumble on the floor.

While walking in the hallway, he accidentally looked at the window. He saw that it was already night. He had been laying on the floor for more than 7 hours. His father was not at home, and it relieved him. He will be beaten again if he is here, and maybe get insulted.

He is limping.

He stopped walking for a moment to see outside through the window. He looks at the night sky filled with bright stars. Stars resemble Jungkook's eyes; they twinkle like stars.

A small smile spread on his lips, thinking of the thought that Jungkook's eyes resemble a bright star. Thinking about Jungkook gives him warmth.

The moon was crescent and bright. You could walk outside without using a flashlight or any light because the light from the moon was enough to see anything outside.

The night is so peaceful. I wish I was bright like the stars and moon in the sky. I was the darkness that needed light. "

Because of the solitude of the house, you can hear some barks of the dogs in the neighborhood and some owls.

He continued walking. This time he didn't stop. He kept on walking until he reached his room. He opened his own room and was welcomed by the sad and serene atmosphere. The surroundings were unhappy, dead, sad, and empty, which brought coldness.

The inside was dark. He didn't turn on the light in the room, he just let it be dark, the darkness engulfing him. Dark was the only one that was there for him in his worst state.

"Everything is empty."

He felt empty inside, he felt cold, he felt unhappy, he felt that he was not enough.

He lay on the bed. He grabbed the comforter to cover himself. He is cold both on the outside and on the inside. Tears were still coming out of his puffy and swollen eyes. He had been crying since afternoon.

He was clutching his bedsheet while sobbing uncontrollably.

"I can't anymore."

That night, Jimin just cried until dawn. He didn't even treat his wounds and bruises, he just let them go untreated. He didn't care if his wounds got infected since he lost care of anything at that time.

He just let his emotions cry and did not care about his bruise.



One more chapter before his miseries end

I hope you enjoy this chapter :)

- Love lots ♥

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