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This chapter has a mention of a panic attack


Third Person


The bruises on his pale face were being treated by the nurse in the clinic by applying some cream and antiseptic. Jungkook was sitting beside the older one, and he was holding Jimin's hand tightly. When the older hisses in pain as the cream is applied to his bruised cheeks, Jungkook blows it away to relieve the pain.

Jungkook was looking at the bruised face of his hyungie. He was biting his lips to stop the urge to cry. He wanted to ask what happened when he was in the comfort room, but he decided to ask when the nurse left them alone.

He wipes the single tear escaping from his bambi eye so that his Hyung won't see it. He doesn't want to worry more his Jiminie-hyung. He held more tightly to the older hands when Jimin hissed when the cotton balls with alcohol were dumped on his bleeding and bruised lips.

"Shhh, hyungie."

Jimin looked at him and smiled a bit. He was happy that Jungkook was staying by his side. He was looking at Kook when he remembered the threat of Kim Yugyeom earlier. He can't do what Yugyeom wants him to do. Jungkook was so precious and important to him, and the younger was his only friend, and he couldn't push Jungkook away.

He is ready to face hell again and again just to be with Jungkook. As long as Jungkook was beside him, he wasn't afraid anymore of getting hurt by anyone. He can conquer everything for his only true friend.

"It's done now. I will write a slip and will inform your profs that you are in the clinic."

"Thank you, Mrs. Eun."

"That's my job. Rest for now. I'm going to take my leave for now. "

The two freshmen nod and smile at the nurse. The door lock by the nurse outside, indicating that the nurse had already left to write a slip and inform the profs that they wouldn't be attending to the class.

"Are you really okay now, Hyungie?"

"Yes Kookie, as I said earlier, I am okay."

He smiled and ruffled the hair of the ravenette.


They are sitting on the cream-colored sofa in the clinic, with the used alcohol and cotton balls on the small glass table.

Jimin looked at the hesitant eyes and the biting lips of the younger


The messy and curly hair of Jungkook that covered his eyes was being put by Jimin on the back of his ear, and he blushes when Jimin does that.

"Why Kookie?"

"Hmm..Hyungie, can you tell me what really happened in the comfort room?"

His smile faded away when Jungkook asked him what happened in the C.R. His hands that were caressing the younger hands immediately stopped.

"What happened to you, young man? When I see you in the C.R, you are breathing irregularly. "

"Then you are saying, don't touch me."

Jungkook continued.

Jimin blinks multiple times and starts to remember again what happened earlier. Yugyeom threatened him to stay away from Jungkook, and the hard punches on his face and the accidental touch on his neck and chest, which is because he is sensitive, he doesn't want to be touched there, whether it was an accident or not. He was having a severe panic attack earlier, but Jungkook calmed him down with his sweet and melodious voice.

The younger words and the younger song make him snap into reality. Jungkook was the reason. That's why he can breathe properly now.

He looked at the children with worried, sad, and inquisitive eyes.

"It's nothing, Kookie."

He lied again.

He lied again to Jungkook. He is not being honest again with the young. He doesn't want to tell Jungkook what really happened. He doesn't want him to get worried and sad by knowing that Yugyeom hurt him, since he and Yugyeom were kind of friends.

He shook his head, and he gave a tight smile to the ravenette.

"You're a liar, hyungie."

"You're bleeding in the comfort room and have so many bruises on your face and it was just nothing?"

He looked at Jungkook's sad yes. He knows that he disappointed Jungkook by lying to him, but what he can't do himself is tell Jungkook that Yugyeom punched him and threatened him and that he was having a panic attack when Yugyeom accidentally touched his neck and chest.

"Please, Hyungie. Tell me who hurt you, we will go tell the principal. "

"Please, Hyungie. Let's report it. It is bad to hurt other people. "

"Kookie, it is really okay. Please let this just pass."

Jungkook was pouting angrily, and he was mad at the person who hurt his hyungie. Jungkook was kind, yes, but he got mad when bad people hurt each other.

He sighed and nodded to his young decision.

"Okay, Hyung. But please, let's report it when that person harms you again. I don't want you to get hurt, Jiminie-hyungie. "

"Aigoo..Kookie. Come here, let me hug you. "

Jungkook adjusted his seat and hugged the older man tightly, and he buried his face in the chest of the blonde.

"You're such a sweetheart, kookie."

I'm happy to have you kookie, and I will face the threats of Yugyeom as long as you are here with me.

These thoughts were playing in the minds of the blonde.

He kept on ruffling the hair of the younger one until he heard the soft snores coming from him.

He chuckled.

He adjusted their position so that Jungkook would get comfortable. He stares at the sleeping figure.

"I will never stay away from you, Kookie. "You're the only one I have."

He mumbled before he kissed the forehead of the young man. He heard Jungkook softly whine in his sleep, and when he looked at the face of Jungkook, he saw he was pouting.


It was exactly 6 o'clock when Jimin arrived at his house, and it was 4 o'clock when Jungkook's driver and bodyguards fetched him.

He was walking on the way to his room when he heard his father speak and he shivered at what he said.

"Bitch be ready at 6:30, Mr. Chan will be here, and at 9:00, Mr. Ching will be here for you. "



I hope you like this chapter:)

- Love lots ♥

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