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Third Person


The blonde stirred in his sleep, his swollen eyes starting to open slowly, adjusting to the bright light of the raging hot sun. When he started to move his body slightly, his bottom hurt. He hissed and bit his bottom lips to prevent himself from hissing from the pain in his lower region.

After trying to sit, he looked at his alarm clock that was on the table together with his books and notebooks.

It's already 1:00 in the afternoon. He woke up really late. He has classes today, and he can't go to school with his situation right now.

My face was puffy, with bloodshot eyes, and my lips were really swollen. He tried to touch his face using his left hand. He hissed again from the pain, and he remembered that he had slit his wrist multiple times last night to make his body feel numb from the pain. He remembered how his mind had messed up with him again. How did his suicidal thoughts and depression build up?

He sighed deeply and gazed blankly in his small window. The wind makes his curtains dance together with the trees outside. Chirping birds were heard because of the deafening silence of the surroundings. The house was silent and Jimin knew that his father was not home, maybe doing nasty things since he has money to spend because last night the two businessmen paid him well.

Jimin stood up from his seat to go to the bathroom to wash up. He removed all his clothes, and he saw the hickeys again, filling his whole chest, collarbone, neck, stomach, and thighs. His eyes started to get warm again, but he shook his head to stop the tears. He took the soap and he started to rub it all over his body to remove all the stains that Mr. Chan and Mr. Ching had created last night on his body.

After his long shower in the bathroom, he goes out. His stomach was growling from hunger. When he was already done dressing, he went out of his room to go into the kitchen to find some food to cook and eat. When he reached the living room of their house, he saw a lingerie panty and a black bra on the floor, and also a used condom. The table has a beer can and some drugs.

He just shook his head.


He muttered to himself

His father again brought a prostitute to their house. The whole living room smelled like sex. Every day is like this. Their house is so messy.

He continued walking to the kitchen even though he was limping. He started opening their cupboard to find some noodles and, to his luck, he found someone. He boiled some water that he would put in the ramen. He decided to clean the whole house while he was waiting for the water to boil. He got the trash bin and picked up all the things that were on the floor and on the sofa.

On the other hand, the bunny-faced face was happy to go to school to see his Jiminie-Hyung. He smiled when he remembered that he had fallen asleep on the shoulder of his Hyung yesterday. Trying to recall what happened the last time causes his heart to race and his stomach to fill with flying butterflies.

He giggled at the thought of seeing his sweet hyungie. When he went downstairs to eat his breakfast, he saw his father reading the newspaper and his mother sipping hot coffee from the mug. His mommy smiled when they saw him going down the stairs.

"Good Morning, baby."

"Good Morning, Son."

"Good Morning Mommy and Good Morning Dad."

He sat in his respective seat next to where his mother sat. Mrs. Jeon started to serve his son food and filled his son's glass with banana milk, his baby's favorite since he was young.

"Thank you, mommy."

"Son, how's school?"

His father inquired

It's all right, dad; my classmate was very nice, and I also have a nice friend. I'm always together with my other young friends. I eat together with them.

"That is good to hear, baby."

stated his mother

He continues eating his food after he answers his father's question. They continue chatting and eating before Jungkook bids goodbye to his parents. He kissed his parents' cheeks before he grabbed his bag that was on the chair.

When his driver reached the gate of Busan International High, He smiled while walking in the hallway. He looked at his wristwatch; it was already 7:45 and his first period together with Jiminie-Hyung started at 8:15. He saw that the room was still half empty. The other had not yet arrived in the classroom.

When his classmates saw him at the entrance, they waved at him.

"Hi Jungkook"


Jungkook waved at them cutely and grinned at them. He walked to his seat in the back. He put his backpack on the seat of his Hyundai. He looked again at his wristwatch. It was 7:53.

He waited patiently for his heart with a big and sweet smile on his face. Every two minutes, he looked at his watch and at the door. It's 7:57 and his Hyung hasn't arrived yet. His other classmates started to arrive.

He looked again at his watch. It was 8:10 and 5 before their professor arrived.

"Where are you, Hyungie?"

He mumbled under his breath. He bit his bottom lips.

He looked at the entrance of the door, waiting for his hyungie.

At exactly 8:15 A.M., their prof arrived and started the class.

He slumped his shoulder and he pouted his pink lips since his hyungie didn't go to school and didn't attend classes.

"Maybe he is sick."

He sighed and pouted.

He tried to focus on his class.

The afternoon arrived and Jungkook was missing his Jiminie-hyungie. He ate lunch with his other teammates, and they asked him where Jiminie was. He said that his Jiminie-hyungie didn't attend class today.



I hope you enjoy this chapter :)

-Love lots ♥

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