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Third Person


The whole hour of the seven young men is full of talking and asking some questions. They are asking how it was on their first day at the university. The boy with raven hair said that his first day was amazing. His classmates were so nice to him and friendly.

He also said to his hyungs that Yugyeom offered him a seat beside him, but he declined since he wanted to sit beside his Jiminie-hyung. The blonde smiled at Jungkook, saying that he wanted to sit beside him.

Jimin finds Jungkook is really something. Jungkook doesn't find him weird and freaky like what his old classmate said. Jungkook is so pure and friendly. He doesn't look at the outer, he looks at the inner.

He isn't like others who have little else because they are poor. He has a pure and kind heart. Jimin didn't expect to have a friend like Jungkook and be friends with Jungkook's hyung.
A bell rang, indicating that lunch was over and that they needed to go to their classes.

"Good bye, Hyungies, see you later."

Jungkook, like always, says his goodbyes to his beloved young people. The older kids also bid their goodbyes to their dongsaengs.

"Let's go to our next class, Jiminie-hyung."

Jimin nods to the younger before he grabs his bag that is placed on the floor and the three books placed on the table.

Jimin and Jungkook have the same classes since they have the same major. They are majoring in dance. They have had a passion for dancing since they were young and were still learning.

Jungkook suddenly grabbed Jimin's wrist and Jimin immediately hissed since he has a deep bruise on his wrist. He didn't show that he was hurt when Jungkook held his wrist softly.

He refrains himself from saying 'ouch' and 'ahh'. He doesn't want the younger to ask what's wrong with him and what's hurting him.

When the raven hair looks at the older man, he smiles, and the blonde just smiles back at him, despite the pain he is feeling in his wrist.

"We are here, hyung."

When they reached the third floor and the room, Jungkook let go of his wrist and he released a deep sigh,

"Are you okay, hyung?"

Jungkook asked while widening his big bambi doe eyes.

"I'm fine, kookie; I just get tired of walking from the cafeteria to here."

"You're right, Hyung. It's really exhausting. You see, I have sweat now. "

The bambi eye pointed at his forehead, which had a bit of sweat. The blonde put his white handkerchief in the back pocket of his slacks to give Jungkook.

He is hesitant to give his handkerchief to Jungkook since he is thinking about what if Jungkook finds his handkerchief dirty and filthy like what others say about him, that his belongings are dirty like him.

He can't bear the fact that Jungkook will find him dirty. He can't bear to see the disgust in Jungkoo's eyes.

When the raven saw the white handkerchief that the blonde was holding, he spoke,

"Hyungie, are you going to lend me your handkerchief because you see my sweat?"

When Jungkook speaks and asks Jimin, he snaps out of his thoughts.


Jungkook smiles when Jimin gives him his handkerchief.

"Thank you, Jiminie-hyungie. You are so sweet."

"Kookie, don't you find my handkerchief dirty or filthy?"

"Huh. What do you mean, Hyungie? I can't see any dirt on your handkerchief. It's clean."

He didn't find Jimin's things filthy and Jimin just smiled softly.

"Nothing Kookie, I just thought that my handkerchief was dirty."

"If you say so, Hyungie"

The raven hair held Jimins' arm and he used the older handkerchief to wipe the sweat on his forehead and neck.

They sit in the last row since that is their favorite spot. They can talk without being noticed by the teacher, since the teacher won't hear them talking.

When the professor arrived, the class started immediately. He looks at the bambi eye and he is busy writing notes. He finds Jungkook really attractive, with his long beautiful eyelashes slapping his smooth and porcelain cheeks, his nose that will scrunch when he is confused, his lips that will become so red when he bites hard, and his lips that are so cute when he starts to pout.

He can't deny that Jungkook's baby face is so adorable. He likes how his big bambi doe eyes whole innocence. You will be afraid to hurt this cute, innocent little bean since he is too pure for this cruel world. When the younger suddenly looks at him, Jimin turns away his gaze from the younger.

He decided to look outside since he was near the glass window. It's a habit for him to look outside when the teacher isn't looking.
The sky was clear. The sky was painted with blue and white hues. Birds are chirping and dancing together with the rustling cypress, sakura, and cherry blossom. The wind breeze isn't cold nor hot; it is a nice temperature.

He admired the beautiful cherry blossom and sakura leaves that were falling from the branch. He saw how the leaves were blown softly by the wind.

When he felt an index finger tap on his back and saw the pouting Jungkook, he immediately looked to his side.

"What are you looking at, Jiminie-hyungie?"

Jungkook asked curiously, with widening eyes. It's a mannerism for the younger that when he is curious and confused, he always pouts and widens his natural bug bambi eyes.

Jimin put his hand on the hair of the younger and patted it while shaking his head,

"I'm just looking at the birds, kookie."

Jimin mumbled

Jungkook smiled widely when Jimin patted his head lightly since he liked it when someone patted him since his mommy and dad always patted his head till then and now.

He giggled when Jimin pinched his cheeks before the older man wrote in his notebook. The raven's cheeks turn red when Jimin pinches him.
He turned his gaze back to his notebook to stop his warming cheeks. He knew that his cheeks were sensitive when they got pinched, but when Jimin pinched him, he felt warm and giddy inside.



I hope you enjoy this chapter

- Love lots ♥

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