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This chapter contains physical abuse that might trigger young and sensitive readers. I already put a warning so be aware!


Third Person


It rained nonstop for Jimin's two days at Jeons' house. Flooded roads and highways are everywhere. He wants to go home, but the weather doesn't allow him to.

When he remembers his father's wrath when he goes home to their house, he trembles and becomes terrified, but those emotions and feelings suddenly fade away when he feels Jungkook's hugs and warmth spreading to his body. He felt relieved knowing that Jungkook was there on his side to give him warmth to his coldness and calm him in his trembling state.

He always relaxed when the young one was there.

He spent his whole stay in the house of the younger man, and all he experienced was pure bliss. Jungkook took care of him and made him smile and laugh. He always coos at the younger's innocence and cuteness. He wants to put him in his pocket so that he can keep him away from everything, but he thinks that is impossible. He can't do that.

The two were in the living room of the house, reading comics and sipping hot chocolate in the cute little bunny mug that was bought by Jungkook's mother when he was in Mexico. It is still raining outside, but not that hard and strong anymore, and the skies are still gray and dark. The highway is still flooded, so cars and vehicles can't drive right at this moment. They need to wait for days to drain the flood.

"Does your book have good hyungie?"

"Yes Kookie, it is good. I love its plot. What about you?"

"It's good too, young, but the story is sad."

He pouted.

"What do you mean it's sad?"

It's sad because the main character in the story was abused by his parents. They are so bad, his own parents hurt him. I don't want him to get beaten by his dad; he is too kind and sweet to be treated like that. "

It hit Jimin.

The story that Jungkook was reading was similar to what's happening right now with him.




by his biological parents

He can't afford to look at the younger's sad eyes. He is sad about what he read in the comics. He wants to change that sadness into happiness.

Jungkook needs to be happy every time.

"Kookie, please don't be sad."

"I can't help it, hyungie."

Okay, let's change our books into comedy so that you won't be sad anymore.

Okay, but you need to piggyback ride me until we reach the library.

He playfully said to his young

"Aish..." Fine, but please don't be sad and forget that story and don't think about it anymore. I don't want my Kookie to get sad. "

Jungkook giggled and nodded.

"Get on my back. I will carry you now. "

"You're so strong, Hyungie."

Jimin carried him until they reached the library, and while picking some new comics, Jimin was still carrying him. The older didn't object. He really liked the close proximity between them; it gave him a smile.

The library has tons of books and it has the vibe of the 1970s and 1980s. Decorations were old-fashioned too, but everything inside was pretty clean and organized. Every shelf has a label and no books were disorganized. The bookshelves were made from strong trees like Narra and Acacia. The chandelier in the ceiling was big and bright, like the one in the living room.

They are reading the description in the back of the book to have some information about their chosen story.

Books were carried by the blonde.

He is still carrying Jungkook on his face. The younger cuddles up to him and nuzzles his head against Jimin's nape. His breath tickled Jimin's neck and nape.

They go back to the living room to read their new books. They get to the library.

It was late Sunday afternoon when Jimin arrived at his house. It was a sunny day at that time.

When Jimin was walking into the entrance of the gate, his legs were trembling, even his hands. His hands became sweaty as a result of the cold. He is shivering and his heart is beating loudly in his chest.

Every step he takes makes him tremble. He is hesitant to turn the doorknob because he knows that opening the door and entering the room will set off his worst nightmare.

He twisted the doorknob with his shaking hands.

When he entered the house with a shaking body, a lingering smell of alcohol hit his nostrils. He scrunched his nose at the smell.

He walked slowly until he reached the living room, where he saw his father drinking beer and sitting on the sofa.

His father was looking at him with a dark eye.

He is enraged, he is angry.

Jimin gulps at the sight of his father's angry face.

"Where did you go?"

Mr. Park angrily asked

Jimin was hesitant to answer his father.

"I am in the house of my friend, sir."


He mocked

He laughed at Jimins' words.

Do you have a friend? Don't lie, you bitch. "

Mr. Park became serious again.

"You didn't come home for 2 days because you were whoring around like your filthy mother."

Jimin shook his head.

"That's not true, sir. It's just my friend. "

"Again, you lying piece of shit."

He shouted and threw the beer bottle at his son.

The bottle shattered and its pieces wounded Jimin's skin.

You're just imagining you don't have a friend, slut. No one wants a filthy slut and bitch like you. "

He insulted his son again and again.

The blonde was just bowing her head and silently crying inside.

"No one wants a liar."

A slap landed on Jimin's cheeks.


Another slap from his father.

The slap stung his cheeks.

Tears were streaming down Jimin's cheeks.

He started punching his own son until Jimin lost consciousness.

Jimin received all the hits, punches, and kicks.

He didn't defend himself, all he did was cry and beg to stop.

He was beaten and physically abused that afternoon.

He was treated like a rag doll and a punching bag at that time by his father. Mr. Park is just laughing at his son's vulnerable state.

He beat Jimin until his wrath faded.

When he is done, he leaves the house. Leaving his wounded son alone



I hope you enjoy this chapter :)

- Love lots

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