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Third Person


The blonde was awoken from his deep slumber at 2 p.m. in the afternoon with a raging headache. He covered his face using his hands before he got up from his laying position. He took a deep breath before he combed his messy locks and fixed his crumpled shirt. He is adjusting his blurry eyes and vision against the bright light coming from the small window in the room.

He wore his grey slippers, and he grabbed the medical kit in the cabinet to find some ibuprofen for his headache. He got the tablet and the new bandages to use for his cut wrist. He went out of the room and went to the kitchen to get some water.

"Aish, I'm hungry."

His stomach growled in hunger. He didn't eat lunch or dinner yesterday, and today he didn't have breakfast or lunch. He noticed cup noodles in the top of the refrigerator while eating his lunch, and when he opened the refrigerator, he discovered Kimchi.

He got the casserole to boil some water for his cup noodles. He also saw 1 egg on the side, and he boiled it together with the water for his noodles. He didn't see any rice left to cook, so he decided to not cook rice. While waiting for the food to cook, he sat on the wooden chair and started to change the bandage on his wrist and put some oil in his eyes, lips, cheeks, and stomach.

While he was applying for the medicine, he couldn't avoid hissing because it stung when the cold ointment touched his hot skin. He is blowing on the wound to lessen the pain he is feeling. Sometimes he is biting his bottom lips to stop escaping painful groans.

When he saw that the noodles were already cooked, he closed the stove. He's already gotten the Kimchi that was left in the fridge. He started to dig into the food. He is hungry, really hungry since he hasn't eaten for the last two days. He enjoys his delicious food while slurping hungrily.

"I eat like a pig."

He gets the coke can that is in the refrigerator, and he drinks it.

After he eats, he washes all the dishes that were in the sink, but he was still careful about his wrist. He cleaned the whole kitchen and the whole living room. When he finished cleaning outside, he started cleaning his room, which was also messy.

He fixed his comforter and changed the wet pillowcase and the torn shirt that were on the floor. He picked up all his laundry and put it in the big basket. The used cotton balls he used to treat his bruise were now in the black bin.

He mopped the floor since there was dried blood there, so he cleaned it. He cleaned the whole house until 5, and even though evening came, his father still hadn't gone home yet. You can say he is still lucky to not get beaten up again by his father since he is still away from home.

"At last I'm done."

He sat on the floor, fanning himself with both hands to relieve the heat he was experiencing. It's scorching hot right now. Even the electric fan can't lessen the heat of the sun today.

For one week, Jimin didn't attend classes again because he couldn't go to school with a lot of bruises and two black eyes. The professors and principal will question him, and he doesn't want that. Some will gossip about him again, and he will just make Jungkook worried again.

He can't see the younger's worry and sadness in his eyes; it gives him a pang in his chest and makes him weak. Seeing the younger's glossy eyes while innocently looking at him causes him to lose his mind.

He has missed a lot of activities now. He might lose his scholarship at Busan International High if he keeps on not attending his classes and having lots of absences.

For the whole week, all Jimun did was lock himself in his room if his father was at home. He makes sure to not make any noise when he is in C.R.

"What happened to you again, Hyungie?"

Jungkook said while looking at the entrance of the classroom, patiently waiting for his Hyung. He is getting worried again about his youngster. He is getting anxious.

Lunch break came and Jimin still hadn't attended any of their classes.

"So Jimin wasn't absent again?"

Asked by Yoongi

"Yes hyungie, last week he didn't attend for 2 days and now for 1 week, he hasn't gone to school. I'm worried now, Hyungie. "

"Why don't you go to his house to see what he is doing?"

"But Tae hyungie. What if he didn't want me to visit? "

How do you know? Did he tell you that he didn't want you to pay for the visit? "

Jungkook shook his head.


"Then? What's the problem? He didn't tell you not to visit him, so you are free to see if he is okay. So that you won't get worried about him. "

"You're right, Yoongi hyungie."

"Kookie, you can also give him a call or text."

Namjoon suggests

Hyungie said, "I do have his phone number. We didn't also exchange numbers. "

"What? You are friends for more than 2 months and then you still don't have each other's numbers. "

Jungkook hummed in response to what his J-hope hyung said.

"That's crazy. You should both exchange numbers when you start to become friends."

But we forget Hobi Hyungie.

He pouted.

After that conversation, they started to dig in on their food again and started again to talk about the next topic, which was their afternoon classes.

When Jungkook arrived at his next class, he spotted Jimin sitting in the back row. He is happy that his Jiminie-hyungie is back, but he has so many questions in his mind that he decided to confront the older man.

The room was still empty and they were still the people in it.

He approaches the older man who is smiling and looking at him.

Tell me the truth, young man. Don't lie this time to me. I value your honesty. "



Do you think Jimin will be honest with him? Or Jimin will lie again for the nth time?

I hope you enjoy this chapter :)

- Love lots ♥

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