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Third Person


1 year later

So many things happen in 12 months. Jimin wins a case against his father. His father was now behind bars. The hearing was not easy. The attorneys and police were asking him a lot of questions that were quite hard to answer because of the sensitivity of the topic.

3 hearings happen until it finishes. The judge decided to put Mr. Park behind bars for the rest of his life. When the judge said, "Jimin was so happy," he was feeling mixed emotions. He can't believe that they won the case. He can't believe that he is now free from his father's strong grip on his neck. He can't believe that no one will hurt or harm him again.

Happy tears were coming to his eyes.

The Jeon family was by his side throughout the entire hearing, quietly supporting and cheering him on. The family was giving him the hope and strength to keep going, to remind himself that they were going to win the case as long as he said the truth to the court.

Finally, they get it.

He won the case.

After that tiring hearing, they celebrate their win in the restaurant. They eat a lot of food during that time, not minding their surroundings. They are just celebrating. Jimin thanks everyone who helped him and supported him during the whole 2 months of his journey.

"You deserve it, Jimin."

The words of the attorney

After a week, Jimin attends a session in the hospital with Mr. Ji, a professional psychiatrist. He helped and cured many people, and Mr. Jeon asked him if he could help Jimin conquer his depression, his phobia, and his past and suicidal thoughts.

Jimin was now standing in front of the big hospital. He took a deep sigh first before deciding to get inside. When he asked the receptionist where Mr. Ji's office was, the nurse-led the way.

When he met the doctor, he asked for his name and they started the session. Again, for the nth time, he tells his story. He tells us what happened to him, what triggered his suicidal thoughts and depression, what the cause of his phobia of touch was, and about the voice, he heard in his head.

He answered everything the doctor asked him.

Yes, it still hurt for Jimin when those things happened to him, but he started to accept it through the help of professionals and his family. He is healed by their unending support and love. They are healing Jimin's wounded heart without knowing it.

His sessions with the doctor lasted more than 10 months, and now he can manage. There are no voices in his head again, his phobia has been conquered, he doesn't have depression anymore, and he is not self-harming anymore because of his family.

On his last visit to the hospital, he thanked Mr. Ji for helping him with his phobias and bid his goodbyes to him and to the other nurses.

He is outside of the car right now, looking at the window, watching the other car pass their car. He felt euphoric and was excited to go home to his house.

"Is your session done, Jimin?"

He hummed.

"Yes, Uncle-nim"

He answered the driver.

It was 30 minutes before he arrived at the Jeon mansion, and he saw Jungkook sitting on the bench looking at the sky, watching the birds flying in the sky.

He walked silently into Jungkoo's and sat beside him. No one speaks right away; they are just looking at the beautiful scenery of the sky.

"How is your session, Hyungie?"

Jungkook started

"It's okay, and Mr. Ji said that I don't need to attend sessions anymore because I'm okay now. I already conquered my phobias."

That's good to hear and is good news. Let us commemorate Hyungie "Let us commemorate Hyungie"

Jungkook will stand, but Jimin will make him sit on his lap.


"Just stay like this for a minute."


They stay like that for a moment, feeling each other's warmth and the chilliness of the breeze. He is snuggling his face on the back of Jungkook, finding some warmth. He tightened his hold on Jungkook, but he made sure to not suffocate him.


"Yes, Hyungie,"

A long silence before Jimin speaks again.

"I want to tell you something."

"What is it, Hyungie?"

He sighed.

"I like you, kookie."

He confesses

"Like? What about me? Do you like me? "

He asked dumbfoundedly.

"Yes baby, Hyungie likes you a lot."

"But when?"

"From the very first time I saw you, I already liked you. I like the way you smile, laugh, and giggle. I love your innocence and sweetness. You always make me happy, and your smile and eyes give me hope and strength. "


"Shhh. Let me speak first, baby. "

"I like you very much. I'm sad when I see sadness and worry in your big brown eyes. When I see you unhappy, it makes me weak and sad too. You are my angel baby. "

"You are my savior in my catastrophic life, baby."

I really really like you. You don't need to like me back. I want us to remain friends. "

Jungkook was crying.

"Baby? Are you crying? "

He is just crying.

"Why are you crying, Kookie? Tell me? Is it about what I said? I'm sorry if my confession makes you cry and uncomfortable. I didn't mean it.

I'm crying because of happiness, Hyungie. They are happy tears. Don't say sorry. Your confession doesn't make me uncomfortable. I was just touched by your sweet words. "

Seriously? I won't make my baby cry.

"No, Hyungie, your baby is okay."

I'm relieved.

"Hyungie, I also want to tell you something. I like you too."

"You like me too, baby?"

He nodded shyly.

"I like you, Hyungie."

The two like each other.

They were overjoyed by each other's confession at the time.

The ruins and damage of Park Jimin were now fixed by the innocent Jeon Jungkook, whose savior in his catastrophe was now fixed.



Welcome to the end of this book!

The journey of the two has already ended.

I want to express my deepest and sincere gratitude to those people who spend their time reading this work of mine.

I will gonna write another book, so wait for it.

Thank you very much, my lovely readers :)

- Love lots ♥

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