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This chapter may contain physical abuse and verbal abuse


Third Person


It was nearly six when Jimin reached his house. He started at the colorless house and the rusting gate. Grasses and flowers are dried. The cypress tree in their backyard has also dried. There is no hint of color; everything is just colorless.

He held tightly onto his backpack strap and took a deep breath before he opened the rusty gate of their house. He is walking slowly because he doesn't want to get home because he will experience a disaster again.

He unlocked the wooden door using the key under the floormat. His hands are trembling while he tries to open the front door. When he peaked inside, there was no one in the living room.

The living room was filled with bottles of beer and cans. Shattered pieces of the broken bottle of beer were scattered on the dirty floor. The small wooden table was filled with white powder, and that powder was cocaine. In addition, the red sofa has a white stain on it from a used condom that was dropped carelessly onto the floor.

The scent of sex, cocaine, and liquor lingers in the house.Mr. Park brings his whore again to his house and they have sex multiple times on the couch. Mrs. Park just let her husband do what he wanted since he was also whoring around with different men every day to sustain his sexual needs.

Jimin just sighed into the appearance of the living room. He put his backpack on the floor and started to clean up the mess that his father had created. He dusted the broken glasses and sprayed sweet perfume so that the filthy smell would fade.

It took him 15 minutes before he finished cleaning the whole living room. It smells like lavender now. He is sweating now, and he goes to the kitchen to grab some drinks since he has become thirsty.

"Oh! The filthy whore is here now."

The drunk Mr. Park said to his own son.

Jimin jolted when he heard the voice of his father. He didn't see his father coming to the kitchen since he was busy putting water on the glass.

"Where did you go slut?"

"Ohhhh. I think you are whoring around again like your filthy slut mother who wants her pussy filled with cock."

He didn't speak when his father insulted him and his mother. His hands were trembling. That's why he put the pitcher on the table. He held onto the wooden chair beside him to stop himself from answering and defending himself against his father.

"Answer me when I'm talking to you, bitch."

Mr. Park pushed his son until Jimin stumbled on the floor. Jimin hissed, his buttocks hurting when he landed on the hard floor.

"Answer me!"

Shouted by the drunk man,

"S-school sir."

Jimin mumbles, and his eyes become glossy.

"School? Stop lying, you liar slut.If I know you went out to whore around, you want your ass filled with cock, you filthy faggot."

When Jimin tried to stand up, his father grabbed his collar and he received two painful slaps from his father. He tasted the metallic taste of blood in his lips. His lips bleed due to the harsh slap of his father on his cheeks. Tears are cascading down his swollen cheeks.

He can endure the physical pain, but it hurts when a painful insult is thrown at him. It kills him slowly.

"You deserve that faggot. Are you didn't satisfy last night huh?"

When his lips were bleeding and he was stumbling on the floor, his father chuckled. His father released a demonic laugh when he saw the vulnerable state of his son. His father didn't get content with the painful slaps since he also kicked the stomach of the helpless boy. He is
crying continuously because he is receiving all the abuse from his abusive father,

"Oh. You are crying. Cry more!"

He fisted his son's blonde hair harshly and punched Jimin's stomach one more time before leaving the kitchen.

He was laughing at his son's statement. He is happy when his son is hurt. He is really sadistic and demonic. Before he totally left the kitchenette, he insulted his son once more.

"Like mother, like son"

"If you whoring around make sure they give you money since the payment of Mr. Choi last night for your service is already spend"

"Use that ass of yours to gain money"

Jimin just cried his heart out. When he gained the strength to stand up, he went to his room. While taking his steps from his room, he saw a girl in his parents' room.

The girl's legs were widely spread and moaning messily while Mr. Park pounded at her with an animalistic face. The black blanket and clothes were thrown on the floor. He saw the scene since his father forgot to close the door. The door was open wide, so you could see what was happening inside.

Mr. Park and the girl were shamelessly fucking without closing and locking the door. He ignored what he saw and continued walking to his room. He locked the door and laid on his bed. He clutched the bed sheet and tears were forming again on his cheeks.

His cheeks are stinging. He covered his mouth to not release any sound. When he tried to curl his body, his stomach stung.

He lifted his shirt and saw a lot of bruises on his stomach. Some parts are black and some are red.

"I hate this," Jimin says, tears still streaming down his cheeks.

Tears were wetting his pillow.

"Why is my father like this? Am I really his son?"
he sniffled.

Jimin looked at the ceiling. He was hearing the loud moan of a girl in his father's room. A high-pitched moan from the girl was heard in the whole house.

"Ahhhh! Park there. Just keep going. "

"Push more hard Park it's ahhhhh amazing"

Jimin didn't get much sleep last night because his father's whore was moaning so loudly. He has been hearing the cracking sound of the bed since his parents door was widely open.

Jimin sleeps at 3 in the morning since it's just the time that his father and the shameless girl stop fucking.

Before he goes to his deep slumber, he whispers,

I just want to be happy



I put a warning in this chapter, so if you are sensitive to this kind of scene, don't read it.

I hope you like this chapter:)

- Love lots ♥

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