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This chapter will contain panic attack


Third Person


Jungkook was patiently waiting for his Hyung. He is currently texting his mommy and his other hyungs that are in the webinar.

Did you already eat your lunch, baby?

When asked by the sweet mother of the younger, he smiled widely and immediately typed his reply to his mommy.

Yes, mommy, I have already eaten. I also share my food with my Jiminie-hyungie.

Good to hear that, baby. Enjoy your lunch.

But, Mommy, have you and Dad eaten yet?

Yes, baby. I gotta go. We have a meeting soon. Bye. I love you, son.

Okay, mommy. I love you too. Say I love you too dad too.

After texting his mom, He looked at his wristwatch; it was already 12:45, and the class was about to begin; his Jiminie-Hyung had not yet returned.

Why is Jiminie-hyungie taking too long in the C.R?

He mumbles to himself and pouts.

It's been 10 minutes. Jimin is still not coming and the youngster is now worrying. He decided to follow his heart, so he packed all his and Jimin's belongings before he went to the washing room.

He is now walking in the long corridor, and he will pass two more classrooms before he reaches the men's comfort room. Jungkook is panicking and having a bad feeling, and he is praying that his heart is okay.

He arrived at the C.R and he saw that the door was ajar and he slowly stepped out and opened the door slowly. He was shocked by the horrifying scene and the state of the older man.

There is some blood on the floor and on the shirt of Jimin.


He approached the blonde and saw that she was trembling and sweating a lot.

"No please"

Jimin begs while crying and trembling.

"Hyungie, what's wrong, please tell me?"

Jimin was trembling. He couldn't breathe and he couldn't hear anything right now. He was having a panic attack. When Kim Yugyeom accidentally touched his neck and chest, he started panicking. He doesn't want to be touched there. That is why he gets a panic attack.

"No, please don't touch me there."

Jungkook was at a loss for what to do.

"Hyungie, please talk to me. Don't lie to me."

"Jiminie-hyungie, your trembling

"Hyung, what happened?"

His eyes were getting glossy, and he couldn't bear to see this kind of state of Jimin.

Did someone hurt you? Tell me, Hyung? "

"We need to go to the clinic."

Jimin kept on trembling and shaking his head. He is acting as if he can't hear the younger word. Jungkook is crying and he is worried about his hyung. He is pitying the state of Jimin.

He cupped the old man's face.

"Hyungie, Stop trembling, please calm down. Do you want me to kiss your boo-boo again? "

Jimin looked at him blankly.

Jungkook kissed the whole face of the older man, but he avoided kissing the other bruise since it would sting.

Jungkook hugged Jimin, and he rubbed his back. When Jungkook cupped his face and kissed him all over, the older began to calm down.

Jimin hates those touches on his neck and chest. It makes him disgusted with himself for feeling that touch. He felt dirty when they touched him, even though he begged them not to. When someone touches them, it triggers his panic attack.

"Stat with me, hyung. Take a deep breath and listen to my voice. "

He took a deep breath, like what the younger instructed

Just like that, hyungie. Listen to my voice and keep going. I'm here.

Jungkook was sniffing and crying too, like Jimin. Seeing the vulnerable stay of their young is one of the younger's weaknesses.

He felt that his young body had started to relax. He was not trembling anymore. He kept on rubbing the old man's back and murmuring sweet words.

The raven decided to sing a song to totally calm down the older person.

No limit in the sky
That I won't fly for ya (for ya, for ya, for ya)
No amount of tears in my eyes
That I won't cry for ya (for ya), oh no
With every breath that I take
I want you to share that air with me
There's no promise that I won't keep
I'll climb a mountain, there's none too steep

When it comes to you
There's no crime
Let's take both of our souls
And intertwine

When it comes to you
Don't be blind
Watch me speak from my heart
When it comes to you
Comes to you
Want you to share that
(When it comes to you)

Jimin didn't have a panic attack, he had already calmed down. His breathing is regular now and his chest isn't tightening anymore. Jungkook songs calm him down. The younger always sang the 2U song when his parents were sad, and his other song was sad to lift their spirits.


He mumbles

"Hyungie? Are you okay now? You aren't hurting anymore. "

He shook his head.

No kookie, I'm okay now and that is because of you. Thank you "

I hate you, Hyungie, you make me so worried.

While fisting the older blood stained shirt, the raven hair began to cry loudly.

"You make me worried, Hyungie, when I see your state trembling and you can't breathe properly."

He hugged the younger one tightly.

Jungkook nuzzled his head against the older neck.

"Shhhh. Don't cry, Kookie. Hyungie is okay now. "

Jungkook keeps on crying.

Please stop crying, kookie. You make me sad seeing you cry. "

He un-nuzzled his head and looked at the older man with puffy eyes and a puffy face.

"I won't cry anymore if you promise me to not make me worry anymore and you won't scare me anymore."

He wiped the youngster's tears using his thumb.

He can't promise anything to the young. He agreed with the younger just to make him stop crying.

"Pinky promise"

Jungkook pouted and looked at the older man.

He nodded and kissed the younger's brow.

"Yes, kookie, Pinky promise."

"Are you still hurt, Hyungie? Do you want me to kiss the boo-boo so it won't hurt again? "

"No kookie hyungie is okay."

"Hyungie, we need to go to the clinic to clean up your bruise"



This chapter sucks, honestly.

I hope you enjoy this chapter:)

- Love lots ♥

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