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Third Person


The rain is pouring hard outside. People are covering themselves with their coats, jackets, and books. Some had an umbrella to use in the rain so that they would get drenched.

Jimin and Jungkook watch the people go to the shed and enter some shops to avoid getting wet in the droplets of rain. It's already 4 in the afternoon. Earlier, Jungkook texted his driver to inform him of his whereabouts.

"The rain is so heavy."

said the blonde that is sitting in front of him.

The food they ordered was being paid for by him since he insisted. You are wondering how Jimin got the money. He didn't have lunch earlier, so he still had a penny to pay for the cakes and milkshake. The money was given by his mom last month. He hid it in his closet so that his father wouldn't see it.

Minutes later, the BWB was parked in front of the coffee shop and Jungkook immediately recognized the luxurious car. Two bodyguards leave the car, one of whom has an umbrella in their hands.

"My bodyguards have arrived. I will bring you to your house. "

Jimin immediately agrees. He knows that if he declines Jungkook's kind offer, he will walk in the rain to get home. The clouds were really dark and some thunder and lightning were heard.

Bodyguards are waiting at the doorstep of the shop waiting for their young master, Jungkook, who is still inside talking to his hyung.

They both go outside the coffee shop. Suddenly, the two umbrellas open just for Jungkook and Jimin. The two insist on holding the umbrella, but the two bodyguards decline.

They walk to the car.

Inside the car, the juniors were sitting next to each other. Watching the droplets fall from the dark sky and cars passing them

"Let's bring home Jiminie-hyungie's first uncle driver.

"Yes, Sir Kook."

"I told you not to call me Sir, Uncle; just call me Kook or Kookie."

"I forgot Kookie, sorry."

Jimin tells the driver the location of his house.

The driver of the BMW car opened the radio in the car to hear the news. According to the newscasters, some parts of the highways were flooded, and cars were unable to travel there at the time.They said some areas were affected by the flood, and one of those areas is the way of Jimins' house.

"Hyungie, your area was flooded."

"I know, kookie."

Just spend the whole night in our house first, hyungie. The rain is pouring so heavily and I think there is a possibility of a typhoon. "

"You're right, Kookie, but am I not going to disturb you with my presence? Your parents may not want me there. "

He was invited to spend the rest of the night in Jungkook's house. He was worried that Jungkook's parents didn't want him there. Other than that, he was afraid that when his father knew that he didn't go home, he might get punishment again. He will get beaten again until he passes out.

But, for now, he decided to set aside his fear and worry about it tomorrow morning. He will face the wrath of his father tomorrow, so he will enjoy for now his time with his only friend.

"When we get home, hyungie. We will text or maybe call your parents to inform them that you are sleeping over at our house. "

He hummed softly.

He can't make a call on the telephone at their house. His father will make him go home immediately if he knows that he is gone and not home. He wants to inform his mother since she has a bit of a bit.

Sympathy to him.

His mother was rarely at home. She is already at the club, dancing and getting all his men since she is a prostitute.

When they arrived at the big mansion of Jeon, some bodyguards opened the gate so that the BMW could enter inside.

Jimin's was shocked to see the house of Jungkook's family. It was big and they had an angel fountain in the middle. There are so many luxurious cars in the garage with different brands.

They are all expensive.

The maids open the door and Jimin is welcomed by a bright and big crystal chandelier that costs a million dollars. He gulped when he saw the expensive figures and vase that were on the corner. On the white wall, expensive and large paintings were beautifully hung and decorated. The paintings were painted by well-known painters around the world.

The tiled floor was so shiny and Jimin was terrified to step on the neat, clean floor. The surroundings of the house were neat and tiny. Objects are organized. The aroma of the house is a combination of milk, strawberries, and chocolate. It's an addicting smell for Jimin.

It makes him intoxicated.

When Jungkook invites him to sit on the soft cream long sofa in the living room, Jungkook requests the head maid of the house to make them a cupcake and hot milk.

It's so chilly and they need the warmth of hot milk or maybe chocolate.

"Just make yourself at home, Hyungie."

"Thank you, Kookie."

"Hyungie, do you want to go to my room while we are waiting for the hot milk and the cupcake?"

"If that's okay with you, Kookie,"

"It's okay, Hyungie. Let's go

He dragged the older man to his room, which is on the second floor.

In the room with Jungkook, Jimin isn't that surprised anymore to see the spacious room with a big, comfortable bed.

Jungkook makes him sit on the sofa while waiting for him to get changed in the C.R. After a few minutes, Jungkook was now wearing a bunny pajama, a shirt, and bunny slippers. The younger changes the older's clothes and lends them to him.

The duo is now wearing comfortable clothes. The snack immediately arrived, served by the butler of the house. Jungkook and Jimin were watching television while sipping their hot milk. Two juniors were sitting on the tiled floor covered with gray colored rags. The hot milk was placed on the glass table in front of them.

They are watching Iron Man.



Let's enjoy the fluffy chapters for now because the upcoming scenes in the next few chapters are not that fluff anymore

I hope you enjoy this chapter :)

- Love lots ♥

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