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Third Person


The bell rang, indicating that the class was over. Students started to pack their notebooks and pens in their bags. They are hurrying to go to the cafeteria to eat lunch and talk to their other friends who have different majors.

Jungkook is waiting for Jimin to pack his belongings so that they can go to the cafeteria together to see his parents. Jungkook and his other friends decided to meet at the cafeteria and spend their lunch time together.

He is swaying his feet while waiting for Jiminie to finish. They are the only ones left in the classroom; their classmates are in the cafeteria having lunch.

Yugyeom asked Jungkook earlier if he wanted to eat lunch with them, but Jungkook declined and said that he would join them next time. Yugyeom and his other friends just nod and smile at the cute little bean.

"Are you done with Jiminie-hyungie?"

"Yes, Kookie."

"Let's go"

The raven stood up on his seat and dragged his hyungs to the cafeteria. He is holding Jimin's hands, and Jimin is looking at their hands. Jungkook is looking at the way, but Jimin is busy looking at their hands, which are intertwined with each other.

Jungkook looked around the cafeteria, and he spotted his friends sitting beside the glass wall. He knows where the cafeteria is since his high school tour guide showed him earlier and taught him the direction of his classes.

When he got eye contact with Taehyung, he waved his hands and smiled sweetly at them. He looked at Jimin.

"Jiminie-hyungie, my hyungs are sitting there, let's go."

The Bambi's eye pointed in the direction of his hyungs and Jimin looked at them and saw the five men that brought Jungkook to the room earlier. He nodded his head to the raven boy.

He dragged the blonde-haired male until they reached the big rectangular table. He untangled his hands from Jimin's so he could hug his son.

"I miss you, hyungies."

He hugged each one of his young people and gave them a sweet kiss on their cheeks.

"But kook, you just saw us 4 hours ago."

"Taehyungie-hyungie, but I still miss all of you."

He pouted his lips. It is a habit of his to pout.

His five young people looked at the man that was standing beside him, and they eyed him from head to toe. Jimin saw their eyes scanning him and eyeing him and it made him uncomfortable.

"Who the hell is he, kook?"

"Is this your new friend, kookie?"

Hoseok and Jin enquire

Jungkook immediately looked at Jimin, and he smiled at him.

"Sit down, kookie, you too."

Yoongi said to Kookie to sit down and to the new friend, Jungkook. They took a seat next to Jin's empty seat.Jungkook sat beside Jin and Jimin sat beside Jungkook.

The Bambi eye started to introduce the timid blonde

"Yes hyungie, he is my new friend. His name is Jimin. "

The five men just nod and smile since Jungkook already has a new friend on the first day of school.

"Nice to meet you, Jimin. By the way, I'm Kim Namjoon. "

"Nice to meet you too, Namjoon-hyung.

When Jimin smiled lightly at the dimpled man when Namjoon offered his hands, he immediately took them and they shook their hands. Soon after Jungkook, other young people started to introduce themselves to the blonde.

Jimin already knew the hyungs of Jungkook. He is happy that the young people of Jungkook are so welcoming and kind to him. They are not judging him at all, and they are not giving him a disgusting look.

"What do you want to eat, guys?"

"I want Kimchi fried rice and banana milk Jinie-hyung."

When they heard Jungkook ask for banana milk, they chuckled.

"Right away, Kookie, what about you, Jimin? What do you want to eat?"

The blonde got shook when Ji asked him what he wanted to eat. It was also the first time in his 18 years of life that someone asked him what he wanted to eat. Nobody cares about what he wants because he is regarded as a nobody by everyone.

"Hmm. Kimchi fried rice and water is enough hyung "

Jin smiled and nodded at him.

The others also told Jin what they wanted to eat because he would be the one to order at the counter.

"Jiminie-hyungie, are you comfortable with my hyungies?"

"Yes, Kookie, I am comfortable with them because they are sweet and kind."

"It's good to hear that, hyungie, that you find them sweet and kind. Also, hyungie, you are sweet and kind like them, so that's why I like you."

Jungkook smiled widely and he rested his chin on his hands while tapping the hands of Jimin that were resting on the table.

After 5 minutes of waiting, the food arrived. They started to dig in, but before they started to eat, Jungkook didn't forget to thank his Jin-hyung for the food.

While eating happily, they are talking about their classes earlier and Jimin is just listening to them.

"Hmm. If you don't mind me asking, are the scholars that the other students are talking about? "

The others look at Yoongi before they look at Jimin. Jimin put down the plastic spoon and fork. He looked at the five curious men and the pouting Jungkook.

He nods his head.

"Yes, I am just a scholar."

Yoongi 'ohhed' when he confirmed that Jimin is a scholar.

"Really, Hyung, you are a scholar?"

Jungkook asked curiously, his eyes widening.

He became nervous when Jungkook asked him if he was really a scholar. He is afraid that Jungkook will unfriend him knowing that he is not rich like them and that he is just a poor scholar like what Yugyeom said.

He looked down at his hands that were resting on his lap. His hands started to shake and tremble. He nodded his head slowly to the question of the younger

"So it means, Hyungie, you are so smart. I heard from our auntie that when you are a scholar in school, you are super smart. Omo, I have another genius hyungie "

His hands stopped shaking and trembling when he heard Jungkook's response. When he looked at Jungkook, he saw him smiling at him and giggling cutely.



I hope you enjoy this chapter :)

- Love lots ♥

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