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Third Person


He stayed at the clinic for the whole morning, taking a good nap. The nurse didn't wake him nor disturbed him from his peaceful sleep since she saw that he was exhausted and still hurt from what happened. The clinic was serene. The nurse that treated his wounds and bruises took a break to eat lunch in the cafeteria with her co-workers.

At exactly 12:15, when Jimin woke up in his sleep, before getting up, he looked at his wristwatch first to look at the time. He rubbed his blurry eyes and yawned loudly. He gathered all his things to get ready to leave the clinic to eat his lunch in the canteen and also to see the Bambi eye male, who is JEON JUNGKOOK.

He slowly picked up the books that were on the glass table before he left.

When he was walking in the hallway, he saw some students talking and laughing in the corner. Some girls were showing off their expensive dresses and skirts to other students to show off their wealth. When the student that is walking together with Jimin throws him a disgusting look or death glare, they avoid him. Everyone at Busan International High knows Park Jimin only as a scholar; when you are poor, rich people in this prestigious school think of you as trash, if not disgusting.

You are not at their high level.

They are gossiping about his ragged clothes and his bruised cheeks, which were caused by his school's only bully.

He accelerated his pace in order to disseminate the rumors about him. Their words were ignored by him since he knows that he will never change the way people see him as a person. They can't stop judging him in any possible way. They can't stop talking about him.

Every time he hears their gossip and insults towards him, he ignores it as long as he can to avoid a fight. If he fights, everything will be worse on his side. They will bully him more. He can't do anything. He will just shut his mouth and not talk.

He tightened his hold on the book he was holding that was pressed on his chest.

While walking down the long corridor, he decided not to eat his lunch in the cafeteria because he knew that students and his classmate who was eating there would give him a disgusted look. He changed his way. His destination right now in the classroom.

Yes, yes he wants to see Jungkook, but he will just wait for him in the room.

When he arrived at the room, it was still empty and the students were still eating. He saw some lectures on the whiteboard about the history of dancing. He walked to his seat in the back row to take his seat.

He waited for his friend to arrive.

In the cafeteria, there are six people sitting at the round ceramic table that has a lot of food and beverages. Their books were settled in the corner of the table and the bags were hung at the back of their chairs. They are laughing freely and talking about their morning classes.

"So, kookie, is Jimin still missing?"

Jungkook nodded to Hoseok

"Yes, Hyungie, he didn't attend class and he is still absent today."

He lamented as he sipped his banana milk, which Jin had purchased earlier.

"Do you think he's sick, young people?"

"Maybe that is possible, kook"

Namjoon answered.

"I want to go to his house to visit him, but I don't know where he lives."

He took a defeated sigh.

Don't worry, Kookie, he is okay. He will go to school soon.

"Yes, Kookie Jin-hyung is right. Just think positively.

"Okay, Tae hyungie"

He smiled.

He continued eating his tuna sandwich together with the grapes.

The group finishes eating at 12:25, but it's still early to go to their classes, so they decide to just read books first to pass the time. When Jungkook finishes his tuna sandwich and his banana milk is the only thing left, he grabs his book that is on the corner to read about the history of dance.

He loves reading history, so he is happy to read the beginning of the dance. He is curious to know where and what the origin of all the dancing is. He turned the page into page 6. He finished five pages in just five minutes.

According to what he read, the origin of the dance is that the earliest findings have pinpointed the origins of ancient dances in 9000-year-old India or 5300-year-old Egypt, but the records show a more common infusion of dance into modern culture can be found in Ancient Greece, China, and India.

"Guys, let's go to our classes 15 minutes before it's time."

As Suga reminded them

They nodded.

They all gathered their books, and they put their trash in the black bin. They bid their goodbyes to each other.

"Bye, hyungies, do your best in your classes and enjoy it."

Jungkook said

The six parted their ways at the exit of the cafeteria.

Jungkook was walking when he decided to pee first before going to his first class of the day. He was not that far in the comfort room, so he took the way to the C.R. When he arrived, there was no one there to occupy it, so he did his business fastly.

Jimin was looking at the field that was filled with football players now running, playing, and some cheerleaders practicing their dance steps and cheering for the basketball and football teams. He saw, in the corner of his eyes, his classmate entering the room. The room was now half-occupied, and it was 10 minutes before the prof arrived to start the class.

Jungkook hadn't arrived yet.

He removed his sight in the field and he now looks at the entrance of the room. You can say that he is excited to see him. He is anticipated. His heart was also excited, but he didn't know why or what the reason for it was.

When he looks at the door, he makes eye-to-eye contact with his bully.

He looked away

He turned the other way to avoid the burning gaze of Yugyeom.



I hope you enjoy this chapter :)

- Love lots ♥

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