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Third Person


On the first day of the blonde and the raven it was nice, simply remove the bad bullies who treat Jimin as if he were a disease or a deadly virus that must be avoided.

Jungkook enjoyed his whole day at Busan International High since he made new friends, had lunch with his new hyung and his other hyungs, and his classmates really treated him well. They are smiling at him, and they are pinching his cheeks. They are saying that he is so cute.

Their strict teacher was debating the subject from the podium.After a few minutes, the loud ring of a bell was heard throughout the whole university. The professor immediately dismissed them and reminded them of their assignment for tomorrow.

The classmates of Jungkook waved at him and bid their goodbyes to him, and when they looked at Jimin, their faces became sour and their eyes filled with disgust.

Jungkook didn't see the hate in the eyes of his other classmates towards Jimin, since he is really oblivious and innocent. Because of his innocence, he doesn't see the disgust in the eyes of others.

Jungkook just smiled at them sweetly and he waved also.

"See you tomorrow"

"See you tomorrow too, Kook"

Said by the bad bully named Kim Yugyeom, the other Got7 members bid their see you tomorrow to the cute little bean that is holding books.

"Let's go, Kookie!"

Jimin and Jungkook left the room. They go to the gate to wait for Jungkook's driver and
bodyguard. They sit on the grassy field while waiting.

"Hyungie, how will you go home?"

"I'm going to take a bus, Kookie."

That's a lie. Jimin lied to you, youngster. He doesn't have any money to pay the bus. His little money was taken by his mother last night. He was going to walk for 45 minutes until he reached their house.

He lied to the younger since he didn't want him to get worried about him and he didn't want Jungkook to know that he didn't have money and was just walking from house to house until he reached the Busan International High.

The younger, who is busy admiring the sakura trees, softly nods at the older,

"Is taking the bus fun, Jimini-hyungie?I didn't take the bus since Dad said that it was dangerous for me."

Jungkook pouted. His father never let him experience the real world. He had never experienced taking a bus and buying food for himself. He is really sheltered by his parents.

His parents didn't let him explore outside since he was too pure, innocent, and oblivious. He is easily taken advantage of by some bad people.

"Yes, Kookie. Sometimes it's fun to take the bus. Your father is right to not allow you to take a bus. You know, outside is really dangerous and you are too pure. Some people might take advantage of your innocence and kindness. "

"But hyungie, can I take the bus when I'm with you? Will you take me please pwetty pwease?"

Jungkook pouted and he did puppy eyes.

"Pweeseee Jiminie-hyungie."

The older man chuckled at the cuteness of the younger.

Okay, so Okay, We will take a bus next time. "

"Promise, hyungie?"


The two connect their pinky fingers to seal the promise. Jimin can't take Jungkook to the bus since he is moneyless right now. That's why he said that he will take Jungkook next time so that he can earn money first before he brings Jungkook to take a bus.

While waiting, Jungkook started to play Jimin's hands and fingers. He is comparing his hands' size to Jimins'. He fiddled with the older's silver ring, which was on his middle and index fingers.

"Your hands are so cute, Hyungie."

The raven giggles while comparing his hands to the blonde. Jimin just admired him and smiled slightly.

"I know Kookie."

He can't get enough of the ethereal and innocent beauty of the young. He liked it when the younger laughed, and he enjoyed hearing his sweet and kind voice, which soothed his nerves and calmed his raging emotions.

Today, he realizes that Jungkook's voice is the easiest way to relax him and to stop his anxiety and panic attacks. When his breathing becomes abnormal, just hearing the raven hair voice makes him calm. His foggy mind becomes clear.
His new friend is a big help to him. Even though he just met Jungkook today, he felt like Jungkook had played a big role in his life.

Meeting Jungkook is a blessing to him, the one that he called "Good Luck" in his life. They
talk for more than 15 minutes until a Lamborghini car arrives with 3 bodyguards and a driver. The car is gaining attention. Jungkook stood up from his Indian seat.

"Uncle driver and uncle bodyguards are here, Jimnie-hyung."

They go to the Lamborghini car and the bodyguards and driver bow to the younger.

"Do you want us to bring you home, Hyungie?"

The blonde immediately shook her head. He doesn't want Jungkook to know his home because his father will get mad at him when he finds out that he has a friend. Bad things will happen to him when they find out. His father might also harm Jungkook, and he doesn't want that.

"No Kookie I'm okay. I can take a bus, you know. I can handle this. "

He smiled at the younger, assuring him that he was okay with taking a bus.

"Okay hyungie. Bye, See you tomorrow "

"See you tomorrow too, kookie"

They waved their hands at each other. Before Jungkook entered the car, he kissed Jimin's cheeks first before the bodyguard shut the door.

Jimin face flustered when he felt the soft lips of the younger one on his cheeks. He knows that Jungkook's habit is to kiss the cheeks of his young, but it is different for him. The simple kiss on the cheeks makes him feel warm inside.

The raven rolled down the window and he waved his chubby hands.

"Bye bye, Jiminie-hyungie"

He looked at the car of the younger until he didn't see it anymore. He turned away and started to walk. He took a deep breath while walking down the side walk. When he reaches his home, reality will hit him again. He will experience a catastrophe again.



I hope you enjoy this chapter:)

- Love lots ♥

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