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Third Person


In the big beige-colored house filled with lively flowers of various types, fresh bermudagrass was neatly cut, and white pebbles lined the side of the big pool filled with water. The trees were dancing gracefully together with the calm breeze. Birds are chirping and flying in the sky freely.

Inside the big cream-white room, a sleeping figure was sleeping peacefully, clutching the soft pillow in his small fist and snuggling his face into the soft cushion to find warmth.

A loud ringing of the alarm clock filled the whole room, and the sleeping figure was jolted from his sleep, and he immediately looked at the ringing clock on his bedside table. He turned it off and he stretched his stiff muscles. A loud yawn escaped from his mouth.

In life, there is a person who experiences GOOD LUCK and BAD LUCK, also GOOD LIFE and BAD LIFE, and one of the individuals that are living in Busan with good luck and a good life is a sleeping figure. Earlier, his name was Jeon Jungkook, the only son of one of the wealthiest families in Korea, Mr. Jeon, and Mrs. Jeon.

Jungkook was very protected by his family and was a very spoiled child. They always gave him everything he wanted. His parents, grandparents, and friends were very loving to him. They always took care of him and always babied him. He is the maknae of the family.

He is sweet, friendly, innocent, and caring. He isn't arrogant and selfish like other rich people. He is well-mannered. He always helps those people who need help. He has a big heart. That's why everyone loves him.

The raven boy comes out of the bathroom after his 45-minute bath. He is wearing black ripped jeans and a white knitted sweater that has a logo on the chest part of Gucci. He is pairing his outfit with his brown infamous timberlands that were gifted by Seokjin on his 16th birthday.

He looked at himself in the whole-length mirror and put some lip balm on his lips. He styles his hair by curling it.

"Baby, the breakfast is ready!"

A shout from his mother from the kitchen

He hurriedly grabbed his backpack and put all his stuff inside. He grabbed the wallet that was beside his lamp and put it in the back pocket of his jeans. The wallet has four black cards. They were given to him by his mom, dad, grandparents from his mother's side, and grandparents from his father's side.

When he reached the big dining room of their mansion, The huge table was filled with different kinds of food. The plates were already placed in front of the chair,

"Good Morning Dad, Good Morning Mommy."

Jungkook greeted his parents, who were sitting on the wooden chair reading some newspapers and sipping hot coffee from the white mug.

The couple immediately put down their newspapers and they smiled at their son, who greeted them happily and cheerfully.

"Good Morning, Son."

"Good Morning, my baby."

Greeted back by Mr. and Mrs. Jeon,

Jungkook kissed the cheeks of his parents before he sat down on the chair beside his mom.

"How did you sleep, baby?" "It's okay Mommy, I dreamed about unicorns and ate a lot of chocolates in my dream."

The innocent boy giggles while telling his dream last night to his mom and his parents just smile and chuckle at their son's innocence and cuteness.

Mrs. Jeon placed food on his son's plate and filled the cup with banana milk for Jungkook, who had previously stated that banana milk was his favorite.

"Thank you, Mommy."

Jungkook shows his gratitude by saying thank you to his mom, and his mom just smiles at him and ruffles his hair.

"Son, I can't drive for you today, so the driver will drive you to the university. I and your mommy have an early meeting later. "

That's okay, dad. I know you and Mommy are busy. I understand since you are working for my future. "

The ravanette said this while munching on scrambled eggs and bacon cooked and prepared by his loving mother.

Jungkook was so understanding. He isn't the kind of person or a son that will rebel because his parents were busy. He is really understanding and all he thinks is that his parents are working for him and his future.

The Jeon couple were so happy that they had their understanding, innocent, kind, and sweet son.

"Yes baby, we are working for you and for your future."

His mother caresses his cheeks lovingly and he just smiles at his parents innocently and sweetly.

"By the way, son, are you excited for your first day in college?"

"Yes, dad. I'm excited since I will see Seokjin hyung, Yoongi hyung, Namjoon hyung, and Hoseok hyung every day. "

Jungkook was happy since he will see his hyungs every, he is going attend the university of his beloved hyungs

He is clapping and giggling happily while thinking about his hyungs, he will see them every day. He is childish indeed

"Good to hear that son, that you are excited about your first day. But tell me when someone hurts you or bully you okay?"

A loving expression fade away when Mr. Jeon said about hurt and bully his facial expression become stern and cold. He doesn't want someone to hurt his precious baby they will experience hell if they did. Jungkook was treated like a prince and as a precious jewel. A person who tried to bully his son will be dead instantly.

Jungkook nod and pout his pinkish lips while looking at his father's stern face. His father immediately change his facial expression when he saw his son looking at him and pouting at him

"Baby are you done eating?"

"Yes Mommy, thank you for the food you prepare"

"Your welcome my sweety pie"

His mother pinch his chubby cheeks

"Mommy, Dad. I'm going now I don't want to be late on my first day of school"

"Okay son, Good luck and have fun"

"Okay, Dad. Mommy and Dad, I love you"



I hope you like this chapter :)

- Love lots ♥

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