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Third Person


Again, Jimin's in the big beige-colored house filled with lively flowers of various types, fresh bermudagrass was neatly cut, and white pebbles lined the side of the big pool filled with water.

The maids were welcoming them.

They are walking in the pathway of the house until they reached the bug front door. The oak door was open suddenly on the inside and the person that open the door was a lady in her 45 she is wearing a cream-white dress paired with high-cut boots. The pink shade of lipstick was tainting her thin lips, expensive and luxurious accessories were decorated on her neck and wrist.

A big smile was plastered on her lips.

"Hi mommy"

Greeted by Jungkook

"Hi baby"

He engulfs Jungkook with a big hug and Jimin just watched the duo hug and kiss each other. The sight was beautiful, the mother and she so were really close to each other. You can see love in their eyes

"Mommy I bring my friend"

"Oh? Is that your new friend that you always tell? Jimin?"

"Yes Mommy he is"

He smiles at Jungkook's mom

"Hello Mrs. Jeon, Good Afternoon"

He bowed

"No need to bow honey, Hello to you too, just call me also mommy if you want"


"Yes, honey you can also call me that if you are comfortable"

It's the first that a person allows him to call her mommy. He was forbidden to call his own mother a mommy because her mother doesn't want to everyone know that he has a child.

Happiness spread on his whole body

His heart was swelling

He felt euphoric

He has a mother now

He has a mommy now

He smiled widely at her

"Okay, M-mommy"

Mrs. Jeon smiles widely

"Come inside now my big babies and let's have tea and cookies in the living room"

"Mommy we will gonna change clothes in my room first"

Said by Jungkook

"Okay baby"

They change their clothes and they put their bags on the study table of the younger since it has a big space.

Jungkook gonna twist the doorknob and try to open the door he gets back by the older that makes him stop on his track. Jimin hug him tight from the back, he snuggles his head on the neck of the younger, he also sniffs it inhaling the intoxicating smell of Jungkook

He caresses the older hands that are resting on his stomach. He just let Jimin hug him from behind.


Jungkook hummed

"Again, thank you"

"Thank you for what hyungie?"

"For everything"

"But you deserve it hyungie"

Hugging last for more than three minutes, a shout coming from the living room was heard in the whole house, Mrs. Jeon was requesting the two to go to the living room to have their snacks and have tea.

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