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This chapter will contain bullying.


Third Person


A young boy with blond hair is walking down the sidewalk and looking at the cars and buses that pass him. He is holding tightly onto the strap of his black, worn-out backpack that was given to him by his neighborhood. The young boy was walking from their house to his new school.

He looked at his old phone and it was already 7:35 and 25 more minutes until time started. He increased his speed and started to jog to reach the university immediately. The blonde-haired boy is so happy when he receives an email from Busan International High saying that he has been accepted and is going to be a scholar at the university.

From his point of view, the exams were a bit hard and he didn't expect to pass the admission test. As a scholar at the university, tuition, food, and books are free. All Jimin needs to do is to maintain high grades.

When Jimin reached the school, he just saw a few students and some expensive cars parked at the side. A guard inspected his bag and asked for his ID just to verify that he had been accepted to the school.

Some students look at the blonde boy with judgment in their eyes, and they start to gossip. Jimin just ignored the gossip about him since it was nothing new to him. He used to do this because all of his classmates in the last school he attended always bad-mouthed him and bullied him without any acceptable reason.

He started to find his way to his first class, which was History, and that would start in 15 minutes. He doesn't want to ask some students where the history classroom is since he will just get ignored by everyone as usual.

After finding his first class, he spent another 15 minutes looking for Classroom 365 on the second floor. He entered the classroom and saw 15 students sitting in the front row and middle row. The last row was occupied, so he sat in the last row.

His classmates give the pitiful blonde a disgusted look, and they stare at him from head to toe. One of his classmates started to speak about him and threw him a filthy look.

"Oh! Look who we have here: a dirty beggar and a poor scholar from Busan International High. "

"You are right, bro. Look at his shoes and shirt; they look dirty and worn out.

"His smells like trash."

They started laughing at Jimin, and he bit his lips to stop himself from crying. He was bullied at his parents' house and is still being bullied at school. He tried to ignore the insult from his classmate.

It's okay, it will be over soon.

a thought that reminds him that when the professor arrives, it will all be over. He calmed his emotions and he fisted his fist to stop his tears from trying to escape again.

His eyes were still puffy from crying earlier from the insult from his father.

"Guys, the poor scholar is going to cry."



"Boooo! "


His new bullies crumpled lots of paper and started to throw it at him. They were laughing at the vulnerable male. He just sat still and was whispering something.

"Please stop."

A soft whisper escapes from the lips of Jimin. His whisper is just heard by him, not by his bad bullies. What a good start for Jimin that he already had a bully on his first day at school.

He expected this to have bullies since he was an easy target and he was the only scholar in this prestigious school. He took a deep breath and ignored his laughing classmates and bullies.

They stopped bullying Jimin when they saw the famous students in the school, which were Kim Taehyung, from music major, Kim Seokjin, from acting major, Min Yoongi, also from music major, Jung Hoseok, from dance major, and Kim Namjoon, from the business major.

They started to gossip again when they saw a little bean, together with the famous students of Busan International High. The bullies and the other students cooed at the little bean that was giggling and pouting his pinkish lips.

Park Jimin also looked at the raven, and his bullies and other classmates started saying that he was so cute, small, and beautiful. The blonde admired the cute little bean that was still giggling with his hips.

He wishes too that he was beloved by his parents and his classmates, like the ravenette boy who is smiling and laughing cutely. The Bambi-eyed boy kissed the cheeks of the five-year-old man, and he waved his small hands to bid him goodbye.

The cute little bean looked at his classmate and waved his cute little hands.


His voice is so soft, sweet, and kind. Also, his classmates waved their hands and said hello to the raven. Jungkook is so friendly.

"Why is there so much crumpled paper scattered on the floor?"

He confusedly asked with a pout on his lips.

"Ah, We accidentally threw it on the floor."

His classmate said with a lie and the Bambi eye male 'ohhed', then he crouched down to pick up the crumpled paper scattered on the floor.

Everyone in the room looked at him, watching him pick up the trash, and soon they helped him.

"Let us help you."

"Oh. Thank you "

"By the way, what is your name?"

"I'm Jeon Jungkook. Nice to meet you all."

He introduced himself to everyone. He was giggling and covering his mouth with his small, cute hands.

"I'm Kim Yugyeom."

"Nice to meet you, gyeomie"

Jimin looked at Jungkook and saw the cute bunny smile on him, and he admired the raven. He is easily befriended by other people, and Jimin wants that too, to have a friend. He hasn't had a friend since he was born. He is lonely and alone.

Hearing the giggles and sweet laughs of Jungkook, he wants to laugh and giggle like that too. He also wants to have innocence like Bambi's eye. Jungkook's eyes held innocence in them. It was so pure and so gorgeous. Through his eyes, you can see the wonderful galaxy.

Jimin wants to have Jungkook's innocence restored since his innocence was corrupted at a very young age.



I hope you enjoy this chapter :)

- Love lots ♥

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