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Third Person


The heater in the room was on and the night breeze was chilly. The new long curtain was being blown softly by the strong wind. Outside, it was still dark and the rain was pouring so hard.

Because of the chill, the two wear fluffy sweaters.

They changed the channel to SBC news after watching the recently concluded Iron Man. A female newscaster was broadcasting inside of the network. She was saying that there was a typhoon right now, which is why the rain is pouring hard right now and some areas of the highway were flooded and so many people were affected by the typhoon. The wind is strong, and people need to stay at home for their own safety.

The newscaster gave you the numbers you can call for an emergency hotline in case the typhoon worsens.

"I wish they were okay."

Jungkook said while looking at the news.

He took the hand of the younger and he intertwined their fingers.

"They will be okay, kookie."

He assured the worried younger

Jungkook was so kind. He was worried about those people outside because of the strong typhoon that is hitting their country at this moment. He always cares for others. He is really an angel.

He smiled and nodded to his hyungie.

"What do you want to watch next, baby?"

"Super Man"

He giggled.

Jimin just laughed.

He played the next movie on the long flat-screen TV. They are not sitting on the floor anymore; they are laying on the queen-size bed of the younger now.

Jungkook was laying his head on the chest of the older man, and Jimin was just concentrating and massaging the hair of the younger. Their intertwined fingers were being played with and kissed by the blonde. Jungkook didn't mind Jimin kissing the behind of his small hands because he was so focused on watching Superman being chased by the villains in the stories.

Jimin is not watching. He is too focused on playing Jungkook's cute fingers and smelling them. He loves the natural smell of the young; it makes him intoxicated. He is kissing each of the younger's fingers.

He doesn't know what he is doing right now, but he enjoys it.

He loved it!

He loved the way Jungkook laid his head on his chest and hugged his waist. He loves the comfort they give each other.

They think this is just normal for best friends.

While he is staring at the younger's face, he is drawing some patterns on his back just to make something. He can't watch the movie properly because the sight of the younger was more beautiful than the movie they decided to watch. So, just continue staring at him and massaging the scalp of the younger one while sniffing its strawberry-scented hair.

The room was dimmed. The only light that is on in the room of Jungkook is the scented candles. The scented candles are their only light source. They love the candle since the smell of it soothes a person. It has a light scent that will calm your nerves. The candles smell like roses and lilac, the favorite flowers of the mother of Jungkook.

She loves the combination of the two.

"Aren't you hungry, Hyungie?"

He asked in the middle of the movie.

"Not yet, Kookie. How about you?"

He rested his chin on the head of the younger man.

"Me too. I'm still not hungry. Let's eat later, okay? "


They continue watching the movie, but then suddenly Jimin gets curious, so he speaks and asks Jungkook.

"Kookie, may I ask where your parents are?"

It's not that long before he answers Jimin.

Maybe they're still in the office; they texted me earlier that they wouldn't be able to get home because the highway is currently flooded.

He explained

"C-can you tell me how they treated you?"

He hesitantly asked

They are the best hyungie. My mom always cooked breakfast for me and prepared me snacks, and my dad always asked about the school and how the other students treated me. When I was still a child, I was pampered by my parents. They always gave me everything I wanted and asked for in life. "

"I think they are good."

Hearing this from Jungkook, hearing how he was pampered and lived by his parents, makes him insecure.

He wants that too!

He wants to be pampered too!

He wants to be loved by his parents too!

He wants to have the best and good parents like Jungkook.


He is, unfortunately, fortunate to have merciful and abusive parents.

His eyes got teary remembering how his parents treated him so badly, treating him like a punching bag, a slave, a maid, and not a son. His heart was broken to learn that he was never loved by so-called parents who did all they did was do drugs and have sex, always forgetting that they had a son in the waiting.

He closed his eyes tightly to stop the tears that wanted to come out.

Then what about you, Hyungie? How about your parents? "

What about my parents?

He can't tell you, Kookie, who my parents are. He doesn't want to know how they treated him. He doesn't want Jungkook to change the way you see him.

He didn't want to be pitied by the younger, so he decided to lie again.

"They are good, Kookie. They are good. "

He mumbled with a shrug.

When he said that Jungkook was already sleeping, He is always snoring cutely.

He chuckled at the sight of the younger. His mouth was ajar and he was clutching the sweater Jimin was wearing using his cute little fist.

Because of his cuteness, he lightly pinched the younger's natural pink cheeks. He pulled the blanket to cover their bodies since he felt that Jungkook was quite shivering.

He grabbed the remote control that is on the side to turn off the television. He looked at the clock and it was already 8 in the evening and it was still raining.

He turned to the younger and pecked his nose.


He whispered

He kissed the forehead of the younger

I'm sorry, I'm sorry for lying again, baby.



I love their cuteness and I love their innocent affection for each other

I hope you enjoy this chapter :)

- Love lots

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